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[15 Oct 2011|09:48pm]

My "children" may not be around much for the next couple of days because I am moving and don't know the internet situation or how tired I'll be. Comcast says the 'net should be good to go, but who knows how that will really work. Better safe than sorry I say~ But it shouldn't be long before he's back to annoying the masses one comment at a time.
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[15 Oct 2011|11:35am]
This is a million days late, but I'm on vacation with my family and will be slow.
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Reminder. [07 Oct 2011|09:25pm]

Just a reminder, I'll be out of commission from tomorrow till monday. Going to be in New Jersey seeing my TVXQ. Yunho. Sigh. Hope everyone has a good weekend. And I'll see you on Tuesday.
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[25 Sep 2011|07:19am]

Hey there! I just wanted to appologize for disappearing for a little bit. I got incredibly sick, was kidnapped and taken to my grandmas for a week and now I'm in the midst of packing up my apartment to move. The good news is i'm only moving accross the parking lot! Haha. Anyway, I should have a bit more time now! ~erinoconnor, I promise to tag our thread today! Everyone else..let me know if you'd like to start up a scene with this guy! I need to get him out there more!
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[23 Sep 2011|10:41pm]
hi, her application is pending, but i thought i'd pimp for lines here instead of going to pbads and flooding it. this is grace park (or eun ae). she's 22 and is a senior at ucsb. she's originally from garden grove, ca, but due to her mom's ridiculous habit of running away from failed marriages, she's lived just about everywhere. her bio can be found here. basically, she sees the world through rose colored glasses. everyone is a good person to her. innocent until proven guilty, basically.

lol jk, y'all. she's accepted.
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[23 Sep 2011|07:41pm]

I've got a perfectly free day tomorrow and I should be around most of tonight. Anyone want some random sceneage? I seriously want to play.
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[19 Sep 2011|10:11pm]

Hi there, I just applied this guy. And since adds aren't till Wednesday I thought I'd come here and see if I could grab some lines before being added. This guys name is Zico. His pb is Lee Kikwang from B2st. He was born in Korea, however he's been in the states long enough to have adapted well. So no worries. He's an inspiring singer/radio dj. He's currently employed at a local coffee shop and is seen around town doing odds and ends. He lives with his brother (who isn't currently in the game) and supports him mostly as he goes to school. He's loyal so once he's your friend he's pretty much gonna take care of you the best way he knows how. You can read his full bio here. See if there's anything that catches your eye. We are open for any and all lines. I hope to interact with each and every one of you. Zico is down to earth and enjoyable to be around.
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[13 Sep 2011|11:56pm]

Hello, everyone. I've just apped Kristin here, and while waiting for adds and what not, thought I would fish for some lines and connections. Her full bio/history can be found here, though in a nutshell, she was born and raised in San Jose. After becoming one of the most sough after stylists in the area, she moved to Santa Barbara five years ago, picking up her business where she left off and getting new clients. She's open and up front about being a lesbian, but doesn't shove it down your throat unless clueless guys continue to try and pick her up. Currently have her living in a two bedroom apartment, looking for a room mate that she's had for a couple years or so, though can be changed if anyone else is looking for a room mate. Also looking for clients (guys and girls, she doesn't discriminate and we all know the boys like to look pretty, too) whom she sees on a regular basis, people to hang out in the coffee shop with and such. Anything and everything, hit me with what you've got.
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[13 Sep 2011|08:10am]

What's up everyone, I just joined with this kid, Kalani Brasen, and thought before he made his debut elsewhere, I'd introduce him here. He's a little shy and introverted, but I want him to grow from that and make friends (or maybe even enemies). Since he was an army brat, he moved around a lot and doesn't have a lot of close ties and is even tentative to make any. But that's where you guys can come in and claim him in some way. He's 23, but I won't mind if he has some friends that are a little older or younger. Please take care of him~.
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[11 Sep 2011|04:43pm]

Hello everyone! I figured now that I'm actually in game it would be a good time to introduce Sean here and see if I can snatch up some lines for him! He is twenty-seven year old transplant from Chicago and only recently showed up in Santa Barbara after deciding he didn't like the direction his life was going in back in Chicago. He broke up with his girlfriend, quit his job and decided to head to California to "visit" his childhood best friend (who is an NPC right now, if anyone is wanting to pick up another character I'd love you forever!) Before the move to Cali he worked at a newspaper writing the obituaries, which is definitely NOT what he saw himself doing. His dream is to open up a comedy club/bar or to be a comedic writer of some sort.

I know the fact that he JUST moved to the area doesn't leave much room open for set lines, but I'm totally willing to just toss our characters together and see what happens! I can fill lines, if anyone has a need for something and think he may be a good fit! At some point he''ll probably be looking for a place of his own or a roommate situation -- so there is that if anyone is in need of a roommate!
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[02 Sep 2011|10:09am]

Hey all I've just apped this guy, Camden Moreau. Camden is originally from Louisiana but spent his college years until now in Chicago. He studied business and helped open a bar there where he worked happily for many years. Recently however, he sold his half of the business and chose to move to Santa Barbara to start work on his own bar and restaurant. He's only been in town about two weeks and has been busy finding a place to live before he starts anything else. Now that's sorted he's all about meeting new people while working on his latest project. He's gay and open but not in your face about it. He never has serious relationships but prefers to see people and doesn't always ask a man to be his date to dinners and parties. In fact aside from the odd date with a guy (and obviously sex) he prefers the company of woman. Camden's basically a new guy in town so any potential friends would be great. He knows [info]djcagney from Chicago and their relationship is tenuous at best. Other than that I'm wide open to ideas and brainstorming! His bio is in his journal if you want to take a look.
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OOC NOTE [31 Aug 2011|09:09pm]
Hey everyone, I just wanted to apologize in my lack of activity. Normally I can be much more active, especially with this character. Real life sort of consumed me between work and a family emergency – my mother just had a cardiac arrest situation and I had to rush out of town to be here for her. I’ve been here for a few days, though still have access – obviously, LOL – Anyways, she’s out now (came home today), but the last few days have been rather hectic, (especially today) for me. I will work on catching up w/ threading and comments Aurora has going now tomorrow! Also if all goes well the next few days, I will be heading home this weekend. Otherwise just please bare with me as I try to keep up.
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[31 Aug 2011|08:35pm]

hey everyone. this is milo james, younger brother to ~marne. he's 22 years old, bisexual, and has a passion for dancing. he lived in los angeles for three and a half years before moving to santa barbara. there is more about him right here. i'd love any and all types of storylines!
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[31 Aug 2011|05:35pm]

Longest day ever at work. So over it. Please tell me someone is up for writing/ plotting/ playing/ general rp fun with Erin tonight? I want the escape!
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[29 Aug 2011|09:18pm]

Pardon me for being a bit backwards tonight, but here's my lines plea. This here is Gwen. She's only been in the area for about three years from Chicago. She works at UCSB as an academic counselor. She's 32, pretty easy going, and could use just about anything really. Friends, co-workers or anything you want to throw at me here. I do love organic lines too!
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[28 Aug 2011|06:06pm]

It's time for another one -- storylines plea! I have a few lines for her, but would like more.. I've been a little scarce around here lately because I've been busy. She'll probably start randomly commenting strangers entries or spam posts, but thought I'd ask for more lines. She's the owner of The Honest Pint, which is an Irish pub/kitchen/venue. If there is anyone looking to bring a character into the game and think they might fit the profile of a bar manager, send them my way! I'm up for brainstorming or randomness. (:
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i must have done this wrong. My Bad. [23 Aug 2011|10:43pm]

Either that, or noone is interested in storylines with my boy. Which will make for a sad Seungjo. Either way, this is my guy and I would love some storylines. I'm pretty much open for anything. He needs a bff for sure. And or anything else. Enemy? Ex? Neighbor? I don't know I'm game for whatever is available.

Kim Sueng Jo was born in Siwon South Korea, but he's been in the states since he was 3. Traveling all over the US with his father, who can never be pleased. He lost his mother a few years back, and though he's still battling that he's really a down to earth type of guy. Random most of the time. Recovering Party animal, but depending on his mood, slipping back into that lifestyle would come very easily to him. He doesn't get along with his father at all, however, his father still deposit's money into his account on a regular basis. So he is not against picking up the bill when he's out with friends. He's a bit of a loner, but can be a great person to hang around with if given the time. Now, maybe this was a better one. Anyone down for some storylines?
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[22 Aug 2011|02:33pm]

I just applied with this Zac Efron PB. His name is Jack and he's [info]melodey's half brother. He's a recently discharged Marine living with Melodey and Spencer. He's a quiet, unassuming guy dealing with war demons and the loss of his father. Like his sister, he's led a fairly sheltered life because of his father. He's enrolled at UC/Santa Barbara as a History major. He spends a lot of time at the beach and has spent the summer learning to surf. Aside from his sister and brother in law, he's pretty open for friendships, acquaintances, etc. Bio is here.
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[22 Aug 2011|10:38am]

Hey all. I'm thinking of joining with Erin here (PB Emmy Rossum) but before I do, I'd like to see what kind of lines I could get for her. She's a 27 year old Boston native who recently separated from her husband. She grew up in Southie, a rough neighborhood dominated by the Irish mob. Her family had ties to the mob and while most of her friends and family (including her husband) were often involved in that type of lifestyle, she chose to stay far away from it. She's soft spoken though fiercely protective of those she loves and people sometimes mistake her kindness for weakness. She has a nine month old boy who is the reason Erin decided to leave Boston behind, even though it meant separating from her husband who didn't want to leave his hometown. She's a photographer who's trying to open up her own business but because she's new, most of her time is spent getting settled and looking after her son.

That being said, let's plot! I could use just about anything for her. Maybe a distant cousin? Some neighbors, people she met and recently befriended. I'm down for anything!
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[20 Aug 2011|10:04am]

Hey everyone! I just applied this girl so I figure it's as good a time as any to do one of these. This is Anabelle James, a 24-year-old Santa Barbara native who is currently unemployed but working as a freelance writer for some local publications. Her history is pretty straightforward, really. She was born and raised in Santa Barbara in a very wealthy family and, as a result, grew up in an elite social circle. Her parents are former hippies who gave up their bohemian ideals in order to be successful – her father has always felt like a sellout for it but her mother was more than happy to transition into the role of a society wife. Anabelle always felt pressured to conform to that lifestyle and although she was temperate for her mother’s sake, she never really agreed with it all. After graduating Stanford she shocked everyone by enlisting in the Peace Corps and right now she is just returning from her two year service term in Belize.

As far as her personality goes, she is as even-tempered as it is humanly possible to be. Too much so, sometimes. She has extremely strong personal convictions but she doesn’t expect them to be reflected in the people around her and she’s not the least bit judgmental. People sometimes see her as a bit eccentric or flighty but that is mostly because she doesn’t care what other people think of her. As much as she used to try to live up to her mother’s standards, since she’s been back she unconditionally marches to the beat of her own drum. She’s extremely environmentally conscious, she rides a bike and has a beamer in the garage that she has never once driven, she listens only to records when she can help it and she would be barefoot every day of her life if she could.

I would love to build storylines with everyone and I’m always open to brainstorming so if nothing jumps out at you right away just tell me a thing or two about your character and we can work from there. Since she’s been in SB for most of her life, some friends from the past would be awesome. She’s not much in the relationship department but I’m not opposed to a little backstory that way if it works for someone. She hasn’t been back long but maybe people she’s met in the past couple of weeks. I’m even down for just throwing up a random scene and seeing what turns out. If you’re interested in any of the above...or anything else, for that matter...let me know!
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