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[01 Sep 2011|12:17am]
[info]uga cam gigandet!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:47am]
[info]oxton the tyler posey to come back, the colton haynes to app, and a tyler hoechlin to round out the teen wolf dudes. more testosterone to prevent the in game guys from drowning in estrogen, more freshman and sophomores especially. seniors as well.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:01am]
[info]theapts So, finally decided to take her. Lines, please with anyone & everyone. Looking for: BFF(s), roommate(s), someone for a romantic line, a drinking buddy who she pours her heart out too, a cute neighbor she likes to flirt with (possibly lead to more), silbings, anything!
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[01 Sep 2011|01:07am]
what lady faces & credits are wanted at [info]agency?
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[01 Sep 2011|01:15am]
[info]thealist jackson rathbone for a line
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[01 Sep 2011|01:37am]
would anyone be up to play jgl, chris evans, chris hemsworth, ryan reynolds, or bradley cooper against my minka kelly, jamie chung, odette yustman, natalie portman, anna kendrick, kristen bell or blake lively?
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[01 Sep 2011|01:44am]
[info]uga AJ here has some great lines ) that need filling
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[01 Sep 2011|01:51am]
[info]uga best buds, siblings, delta tau brothers, ummm anything else
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[01 Sep 2011|03:02am]
[info]uga contemplating switching pbs, suggestions? would be awesome, yep I know it's late or early depending on where you are?
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[01 Sep 2011|03:20am]
PSL, anyone?
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[01 Sep 2011|03:31am]
[info]rogerebert lines for this girl that sounds like taylor swift.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:42am]
[info]uga anything and everythingggg
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good morning early birds! [01 Sep 2011|07:18am]
i am looking for a couple journal based private storylines, we can spam and do all that fun stuff, but scenes would be through threads. i play the faces in the icons, and love to plot & write. so...hit me up.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:24am]
[info]thedarkestyears -- All you Maurader-Age people, we need you! Lestranges, Weasleys, Vances, Longbottoms! Personaly I want some more Ministry workers. The wanted page is here. The open list of characters is . Opens today.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:01am]
could i convince anyone to play jade olivia gordon to tag along with me to [info]santabarbara for an on/off girl? if not, anyone else around the same age will do. otherwise, he needs friends, a roommate or two, childhood best friend, and anything else.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:49am]
[info]agency two younger siblings, a brother in his band (kings of leon), a gf he's about to propose to or a baby momma gf, friends, other musicians, all that shit
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[01 Sep 2011|08:50am]
can i get a home for a ryan gosling, por favor?
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ignore the username, i can use an ic username [01 Sep 2011|08:56am]
home for any of these females? dianna agron, nina dobrev, miley cyrus, nicole anderson, chelsea kane, or bonnie wright

lines would be a major plus! :]
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Sex, drugs and rock & roll anyone? [01 Sep 2011|09:22am]
No sparkly angsty blooddrinkers. No high school or college clubs.
No tormented werefolk, merefolk or elven warriors.
No wizards or Weasleys, no underwear on the outside.
No apocalypse, no gods.
Try something real. )
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[01 Sep 2011|09:34am]
[info]rogerebert jgl as her twin bro, gerett hudlund as her bf, friends, co-stars, a cousin she grew up with
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[01 Sep 2011|09:35am]
taking this guy to [info]ilovela I'd LOVE a Kimberly McCullough for a specific line!!!
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[01 Sep 2011|09:36am]
Co-workers, friends, exes..anything welcome! Come join us over at [info]crowncitymod
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[01 Sep 2011|09:41am]
[info]agency lines and credit suggestions.
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[01 Sep 2011|09:46am]
[info]brnswick Adds and activity removals tonight! Get your applications in.
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[01 Sep 2011|09:54am]
[info]thehudson three males and a female for specific lines! her brother, ex from high school, roommate, and her best friend.
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[01 Sep 2011|09:59am]
[info]mugglelondon first ads will be tonight at 8est! after that the holds that have not requested an extension will be cleared, opening up many popular faces!
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[01 Sep 2011|10:01am]
All I want to do is write. Im looking for PSLs now.

Id like to play an original female against Murtagh and/or Eragon.

Id play a female human against a male newborn vampire.

We can discuss the play bys but id like to play Taylor. Threading mainly as im only on aim during the weekends.
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[01 Sep 2011|10:14am]
Can I please, please, please with cherries on top get someone to play a Jackson Rathbone for me? :D
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[01 Sep 2011|10:31am]
I'm taking this girl to [info]ilovela and would love for someone to come along as her husband. Would love Ryan Reynolds, Bradley Cooper, Henry Cavill, or James McAvoy. If you don't like any of those, she's 32 so anyone in that general age range (it's okay if he's older) would great too.
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[01 Sep 2011|10:39am]
[info]thehudson Courtney Cox or another 40+ woman for an old lady biffle.
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[01 Sep 2011|10:41am]
[info]uga Specifically more friends he dogs around with, male and female. A female ex from freshman year or even from high school, mildly detailed. More females he's pissed off, including ex girlfriends and flings he never called back. The VP of of phi delta theta for a less-than brotherly line. More Phi Delta Theta members. A younger female cousin he's still protective of, another slightly detailed line.
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[01 Sep 2011|10:42am]
[info]uga lines!
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[01 Sep 2011|10:43am]
[info]thehudson Still looking for her twin brother! Chris Pine or Matt Ward would be ace but I'm not picky.
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[01 Sep 2011|10:54am]
home for a meagan good?
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[01 Sep 2011|10:54am]

Faux celeb preferred but anything else besides supernatural is fine.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:00am]
[info]ilovela max irons or mark salling for a specific line! also, her adopted siblings would be awesome.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:07am]
[info]agency the ex-fiancee, please. i can suggest pb's!
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[01 Sep 2011|11:12am]
[info]uglyamerica Adds are still set for Sunday-- let's see those apps!
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[01 Sep 2011|11:25am]
[info]uga does anybody need anything while i figure her out? crushes, flings, co-workers... everything! also, could i get a dylan o'brien for a line?
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[01 Sep 2011|11:26am]
[info]uga loving these new holds. who needs a line? i'll fill anything.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:30am]
[info]uga tri delta sisters, friends, an ex or two, crushes, co-workers (along with job ideas), classmates, people that know ~zyr, a roommate(?), and whatever else!
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[01 Sep 2011|11:30am]
[info]santabarbara Come join the fun! Also I may still be looking for a Zachary Levi for a specific line.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:32am]
[info]agency since my guy is all set up now, can I get some storylines? he was Lucas Scott in One Tree Hill and I'd love to have some storylines with that, especially with someone with a Brooke or Peyton credit. I'd also love someone to play his co-star Katie Marks in All Good Things (i have face suggestions for this but it doesn't matter), I've got a storyline behind that as well. anything else would be awesome, guy friends, other co-stars, an ex-girlfriend with history, a cousin or two, anything else we can think of.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:33am]
could i get a journal based private storyline for one of the following faces: matthew gray gubler, michael fassbender, cory monteith, jensen ackles, andrew garfield, henry cavill, chris hemsworth, or ryan reynolds?
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[01 Sep 2011|11:44am]
[info]theapts a Chicago apartment complex game. adds will be with 4 more apps or on Monday Sept 5th
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[01 Sep 2011|11:47am]
[info]crowncitymod! Looking for more people to work at the tv station with her, her best friend/roommate,more people in general. The game is set in Charlotte, North Carolina and is AIM optional, check us out today!
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[01 Sep 2011|11:49am]
Would anyone like to work out a slash line to take somewhere? I'm open to all sorts of games and pbs as well. Hit me up and let's work out something epic.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:53am]
[info]agency i'd love a daisy lowe with grace potter & the nocturnals credits for a complicated line.
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[01 Sep 2011|11:53am]
[info]uga gamma phi or alpha chi? and lines please! shad moss, cassie ventura, drake, rihanna, chris brown, penn badgley, matt lanter, ashley greene.
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[01 Sep 2011|12:03pm]
[info]uga lines and fun people to be fun with. family and other mass media majors and fans of his blog show that's similar to the vlogbrothers
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[01 Sep 2011|12:04pm]
[info]agency Lines? Recent credit suggestions? Baby daddy/ex boyfriend/fiance/or husband?
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[01 Sep 2011|12:09pm]
[info]agency michael trevino, kevin mchale, or mark salling for a line!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:11pm]
what females are wanted where? lines are awesome, but you know..not necessary. thanks.
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[01 Sep 2011|12:14pm]
[info]mugglelondon; her adoptive family (aunt, uncle and/or cousins), her real siblings (dakota and elle fanning would be love), co-workers at the Leaky Cauldron, people who think she's scum, friends, foes, and a best friend (boy or girl)
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[01 Sep 2011|12:14pm]
[info]thealist a younger sister for her and jackson rathbone for a line please:)
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[01 Sep 2011|12:14pm]
[info]thehudson because writing bios for me during the week is way too hard
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[01 Sep 2011|12:15pm]
[info]agency the peter parker to her gwen stacey, please.
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[01 Sep 2011|12:19pm]
[info]uga setting my alarm as britney spears was my best move in awhile. who needs lines filled?
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[01 Sep 2011|12:20pm]
[info]mobwars an older brother and younger sister, co-workers at the new york times (specifically a particularly nosy one)
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[01 Sep 2011|12:22pm]

An older, single parent PB (of either gender) for Vivienne's next crush-maybe-love-interest.

Alternatively - or additionally - someone that she knew from when she lived in New York, back when she was 18-22yrs old and married to her now ex-husband,

Someone to make art with in the middle of the night. Take that as you will.
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[01 Sep 2011|12:24pm]
[info]viennagate daughter and son one please. Not too picky on the faces! More hold for the other families. Cooper's father too!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:30pm]
[info]thedarkestyears Weasleys, Longbottoms, Lestranges, Prewetts, anyone else, and connections for Emmeline while I work on her?
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[01 Sep 2011|12:37pm]
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[01 Sep 2011|12:45pm]
[info]agency a girl she wrote all of her music about
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[01 Sep 2011|12:49pm]
[info]click someone with marina & the diamonds credits to be her tour bff and pic! olivia wilde for something and lines, yo
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[01 Sep 2011|12:50pm]
[info]agency lines for this musician? she's ~caines half-sister, but that's all i have for her so far!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:52pm]
[info]thehudson A female (21-26) to tame the beast. Don't laugh.
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[01 Sep 2011|12:53pm]
[info]agency one of his six siblings, childhood best friend, more athletes, close friends, an ex.
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One big room full of bad bitches [01 Sep 2011|12:53pm]
Help! I'm working on this Stefani G pb and I need her bad bitches. She works in the adult entertainment business. I'm looking for her roomate or maybe a partner? Jessie J, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna, Kesha or Kreayshawn?[info]theapts!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:56pm]
[info]click bring it!
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[01 Sep 2011|12:59pm]
[info]agency a girl for a line, it's not romantic in any sense. it'd be an ex/baby mama line but i have an idea.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:01pm]
[info]oxton a slash line (I have ideas for this) and a older brother? Anything else you'd wanna throw my way will also be accepted.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:04pm]
[info]thealist More fashion designers! I have suggestions of those that would be adored. Plus Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner, or Tom Hardy for a platonic ex/child's father line. I'd love for him to have credits of a director.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:04pm]
[info]jacksonwy Minka Kelly (or any female 29+) for a hilariously bitter ex's line. Details available upon request.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:13pm]
[info]jacksonwy bringing in sophia, how about some lines to go in with?
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[01 Sep 2011|01:18pm]
[info]uga phi delta brothers, friends, exes, crushes, study buddies...
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[01 Sep 2011|01:42pm]
[info]ilovela Kate Hudson as her life long Bff! Also More 30+ characters!
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[01 Sep 2011|01:43pm]
[info]thehudson her older sister, her best friend, her ex (m or f) for something complicated
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[01 Sep 2011|01:43pm]
[info]uga a best guy friend, more mates and people he hasn't pissed off would be ideal. tke brothers, camilla belle, emma roberts, chace crawford, ed westwick, penn badgley, lines with the new people.
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[01 Sep 2011|01:45pm]
[info]santabarbara james mcavoy, bradley cooper, ryan reynolds, justin bartha, chris evans, james marsden, james franco, jared padalecki, misha collins, david boreanaz, jason bateman, hugh dancy, milo ventimiglia, zach quinto, taylor kitsch!
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[01 Sep 2011|01:50pm]
anyone want a jared padalecki for anything? i'm half tempted to make him a porn star lol
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[01 Sep 2011|02:07pm]
[info]mbsc is a new city game based in Myrtle Beach, SC. First Adds are Sunday Sept. 4th. Get your holds in!
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[01 Sep 2011|02:10pm]
[info]brnswick Two older brothers for her and [info]vnesj, and some cousins!
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[01 Sep 2011|02:19pm]
[info]viennagate The rest of the Tucker family! I would love Ryan Gosling or Chris Evans for a sl.
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[01 Sep 2011|02:29pm]
[info]oxton lines while i start on his bio?
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[01 Sep 2011|02:33pm]
[info]agency lines for a british based actress with dianna agron's face...
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[01 Sep 2011|02:34pm]
[info]thealist lines or you could make my day by bringing merv lukeba as the other 1/2 of justice or either kat or megan prescott with the credits of uffie
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[01 Sep 2011|02:35pm]
is anyone looking for an olivia wilde for anything specific?
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[01 Sep 2011|02:35pm]
[info]agency the gf he's going to propose too, two younger siblings, band members for his kings of leon band, friends, lots of exes! Where's~ jordcliche? anna paquin for something cliche!
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[01 Sep 2011|02:36pm]
[info]thehudson Lines while I attempt to write a bio. Blank slate so any ideas would be boss.
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[01 Sep 2011|02:38pm]
[info]thedarkestyears -- Marauder Era Game! Come battle it out in the first war.

Elladora Guffy and Amelia Bones wanted for dormmates/friends! Also would love Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, the Longbottoms and Benjy Fenwick! Wanted page is here and list of characters is here.

Opens today!
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[01 Sep 2011|02:43pm]
Bringing this girl to [info]90028_mod She is a blank slate so far. Anyone want to come with?
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[01 Sep 2011|02:45pm]
looking for a home for this girl! no supernatural or faux-celeb, please.
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[01 Sep 2011|02:45pm]
[info]mobwars ryan gosling, henry cavill or ryan kwanten as an fbi agent for a storyline!
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[01 Sep 2011|02:47pm]
ignore the face. what females are wanted at [info]uga?

that was easy. sticking with ashley greene. now, is there any sororities that need a line or 2 filled? And lines from other greeks too!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:05pm]
[info]mobwars Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Mark Wahlberg, or another male in that age range for a non-romantic sl. Eva Longoria or another female around the 38 range for a best friend line.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:08pm]
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[01 Sep 2011|03:10pm]
Anyone want/need a Candace Swanepoel, Ashley Greene, Blake Lively, or anyone else for lines? Either a psl or in a comm. Something fun and exciting? Ready to plot!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:12pm]
His sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:13pm]
[info]uga more lines with oldies and new holds for my little hippie chick. co-workers, classmates, crushes and/or flings, fans of her vlog/web show. hell, i enjoy really weird lines too so go ahead and give 'em to me! oh, i think she's gonna change sororities, but which one should she go to?
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[01 Sep 2011|03:14pm]
[info]agency lines for a reality tv star who's attempting to make herself more legit by breaking fully into the music business. i would love pretty much anything and everything. two brothers and her mother as well!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:17pm]
[info]uga lines for this ato? he could use a best friend, "the one who got away", lines with his ato brothers, people he tutors, people who think he's weird, fellow animal lovers and vegetarians, and anything.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:20pm]
[info]uga Stuck between Miranda Kerr, Shay Mitchell, Cassie Ventura, Adrianna Lima, ughh I don't know. Just anyone and I would like lines to sway :)
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[01 Sep 2011|03:21pm]
Been wanting to pb Victoria Justice. Anyone out there need her? No supernatural games please.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:35pm]
Faux celeb home for someone with Jenny Lewis' credits?
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[01 Sep 2011|03:37pm]
check the journal, please!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:44pm]
[info]agency parks and rec cast, please! i have a bunch of pb suggestions. costars from other projects and any other lines would be sweet too.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:47pm]
Might be pointless to ask but would anyone want to work out a romantic slash line to take to [info]ashbury? I'm open to premades and have a few pbs I'd be willing to use.
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[01 Sep 2011|03:48pm]
[info]uga tri delta sisters, a best friend or two, friends in general, an ex or two, crushes,, classmates, people that know ~zyr, a roommate(?), and whatever else!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:53pm]
[info]uga tri delta ladies! sebastian stan, shiloh fernandez, ben barnes, max irons, ashley tisdale, and justin timberlake, please!
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[01 Sep 2011|03:54pm]
[info]oxton; what kind of lines do people need? he's a senior, a smart ass, an aspiring writer, and a barney stinson wannabe type. :]
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[01 Sep 2011|03:59pm]
who would/does pb kit harington or xavier dolan?
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[01 Sep 2011|04:00pm]
[info]ashbury i'd love to see the poet around for a cute, fun line!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:08pm]
[info]uga tke brothers, a little, anything basically while i write up a line post.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:09pm]
Looking for some lines at [info]theapts 
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[01 Sep 2011|04:14pm]
[info]panemcapitol! more tributes, district 4 members, someone to watch over annie when finnick isn't around, everyone!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:19pm]
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[01 Sep 2011|04:24pm]
[info]agency can i get a couple of lines? best friend, boy for a weird and unromantic line, girls to talk to, etc etc.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:26pm]
[info]uga linesss!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:27pm]
[info]click thinking of bringing her there with the credits of sara bareilles. lines would be awesome, perhaps a current girlfriend (teresa palmer, maybe?) for something amusing.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:28pm]
[info]thehudson applied and waiting! anyone need lines filled?
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[01 Sep 2011|04:31pm]
an ex or current husband por favor! [info]seattle i promise, it'll be angsty.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:31pm]
[info]agency is [info]ivin around? also, i'd love to have someone with childish gambino or aesop rock credits. and abel tasfaye (the weeknd) credits too, so dev can stalk him.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:34pm]
A love interest? Patrick J. Adams would be aces!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:35pm]
[info]uga f u ij, i'm not getting ANY notifs.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:35pm]
[info]uga lines with the new people/holds. more alpha chis, her little, and anything to be filled!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:38pm]
[info]viennagate Callaghan girls, father, and uncle svp!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:39pm]
[info]mugglelondon; first adds tonight!
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[01 Sep 2011|04:50pm]
Home for a Matt Bomer PB. No supernatural or schools. Open to a PSL as well.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:57pm]
[info]mobwars Got two versions of him written up, one as an ethnographer and the other as a private detective. Which would be more wanted by the game?

Also: his ex-wife, twin sister (32), older brother (40), psychiatrist and, if we go with the detective version, then his old nemesis in the business of pulling high-value heists. (Or your generic serial killer type can work here as well, I'm not averse to switching his past to Homicide and Serious Crime Command.)
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[01 Sep 2011|04:58pm]
[info]agency game of thrones co-stars, a rival/feud from her music days, lines free to a good home.
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[01 Sep 2011|04:59pm]
would a noel fielding be wanted anywhere? i was thinking ~uga but unless i made him a fail at life 30 year old student he'd probably be too old.
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while i bow down to The Carter IV... [01 Sep 2011|05:05pm]
[info]uga i've got a pb, i've got a sorortity, can i get some lines, please? she's a sigma delta tau rush chair, junior, and majoring in public relations.
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[01 Sep 2011|05:05pm]
[info]agency more co-stars, some former lovers and a current one, friends, everything.
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[01 Sep 2011|05:23pm]
[info]agency tentative credits in the journal. i'm looking for co-stars, people he's worked with, and a bromance would be swell. girls that he cheats on ~shermen with on the dl.
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Hopefully notifs work this time.. [01 Sep 2011|05:27pm]
[info]agency a best friend, an other ex, and fellow models.
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[01 Sep 2011|05:29pm]
[info]agency aly michalka, jason segel, taylor kitsch, rachael taylor and cam gigandet for lines.
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[01 Sep 2011|05:29pm]
[info]theapts only 4 more apps until I can do early adds!
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[01 Sep 2011|05:33pm]
[info]uga lines with the new holds. a little, girls who don't like her, girls she doesn't like, another ex boyfriend since ~drungry is mia :(
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[01 Sep 2011|05:35pm]
x-men home for Gentle, please?
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[01 Sep 2011|05:41pm]
[info]uga more tke brothers to boss around, friends, karen gillan, emma roberts, camilla belle, cory monteith, penn badgley, chace crawford, dreama walker, everyone else i'm forgetting
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[01 Sep 2011|05:44pm]
[info]jacksonwy ignore the icon (or don't) but what females would be wanted for lines?
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[01 Sep 2011|05:48pm]
[info]uga anyone want a pixie lott for anything?
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[01 Sep 2011|05:51pm]
home? no faux or supernatural, and lines would be awesome but aren't necessary!
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[01 Sep 2011|05:56pm]
would anyone be interested in a detailed 4 person gpsl? i have information in the journal.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:01pm]
[info]agency a girl for a line. it's non-romantic but it does have a few details.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:04pm]
anyone want/need a lights (valerie poxleitner)?
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[01 Sep 2011|06:04pm]
what males are wanted where and for what? I'd prefer something slashy.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:06pm]
[info]click the rest of the black cards, oth cast, and a boy for a off/on relationship
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[01 Sep 2011|06:09pm]
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[01 Sep 2011|06:18pm]
[info]thehudson christopher mintz-plasse for a line.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:19pm]
[info]thedarkestyears Anyone not taken! I'd love some of Emmeline's class/dormmates while I finish up this app!
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[01 Sep 2011|06:20pm]
[info]thealist kathryn prescott, jack o'connell
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[01 Sep 2011|06:25pm]
home with lines? pb and un can be changed.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:27pm]
[info]uga shay mitchell! and more lines please and thanks!
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[01 Sep 2011|06:30pm]
[info]viennagate a family based game set in a gated community!
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[01 Sep 2011|06:35pm]
a half brother or sister! european roots, please [info]agency
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[01 Sep 2011|06:42pm]
Thinking of taking her to [info]seattle, does anyone need anything filled? Also, might I get a Hugh Laurie, Alan Rickman or Lisa Edelstein to tag along with me?
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[01 Sep 2011|06:47pm]
[info]agency I'm looking for a lady friend who he's taken up with since his divorce. and everything else.
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[01 Sep 2011|06:49pm]
[info]uga friends of the male variety. and anything else, really!
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[01 Sep 2011|06:52pm]
which females are wanted at [info]agency for lines?
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[01 Sep 2011|06:53pm]
[info]agency a troy and jeff on community (we have pb suggestions), co-stars from scott pilgrim, scream 4, syrup, knights of badassdom, sexy evil genius, weeds, the gangster squad, easy a, etc. parks and rec co-stars for ~joves. the rest of the glee pbs - dianna, kevin, mark, jonathan, jenna, darren, jayma with a ton of amy adams creds, i dunno.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:10pm]
[info]agency i need to make more icons...could i get an ex-fiancee? i kind of have a specific idea around it (that could potentially make for some fun drama) and can offer pb suggestions!
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[01 Sep 2011|07:12pm]
[info]viennagate the second cooper daughter please and her nieces and nephews in the hanson family.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:13pm]
[info]uga jessica stroup, jessica lowndes, matt lanter, kellan lutz, penn badgley, blake lively, chace crawford, cam gigandet. plus her best friend, a roommate, tri delta sisters and everything else.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:15pm]
bringing this gay guy to [info]uga can I get some lines? pretty please.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:15pm]
Looking for someone to pick up a female in her late thirties or older for a specific line. It would probably start out as a PSL and then if we click, we can take it to a community.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:16pm]
[info]agency UGH despite my crazy schedule I am so deeply tempted to return to you. Old or new lines to help me decide?
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[01 Sep 2011|07:22pm]
psls? check the journal.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:23pm]
[info]theapts. Lines while I edit her bio? She's in #110.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:24pm]
[info]agency fellow mad men cast members? lines?
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[01 Sep 2011|07:26pm]
[info]uga a best friend, a girl with a huge crush on him, and other fun stuff.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:38pm]
taking him to [info]oxton. all I know is that he's a junior, plays basketbell, one of a millionaire's adoptive children, social. if we can fill anything let us know, either way we want as many lines as lindsay lohan does on a friday night.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:42pm]

[info]santabarbara | [info]missioncanyon | [info]theriviera | [info]samarkand

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[01 Sep 2011|07:44pm]
check the journal please :)
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[01 Sep 2011|07:45pm]
[info]theapts lines while i figure out the rest of his bio? fellow tattoo artists and coworkers, neighbors, friends and foes alike, old friends to catch up with now that he's back in chicago - anything you want to throw at me.
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[01 Sep 2011|07:56pm]
Kimberly McCullough, Anyone? Anyone? Someone , somewhere must PB her! If you do you're wanted at [info]ilovela For some fun times!
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Sweet & Cute: Free to a Good Home! [01 Sep 2011|07:57pm]
Free to a good home. As with most characters she enjoys active homes and storylines to keep her busy!

College/City would be ideal.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:10pm]
[info]jacksonwy Bringing this lady in! Lines? She could use some friends and neighbors.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:12pm]
[info]uga hello! let's brainstorm :B
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[01 Sep 2011|08:16pm]
would anyone be interested in a fantasy group psl or small game? i'd love a co-mod of some sort.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:16pm]
[info]click someone with evanescence credits for an ex-line, and more dudes that he can tour with.
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happy thursday, rpers. [01 Sep 2011|08:22pm]
[info]agency can i get a best girl friend? i'm not really picky about pbs and i haven't checked out the credits list but a musician would be aces and i have tons of ideas. faces don't matter to me at all.
21 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|08:26pm]
[info]agency lines please. she's ~hockmeier's little sister. some credits in her journal. and any credit suggestions are welcome!
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[01 Sep 2011|08:27pm]
i know there are already a few communities out there, but would anyone be interested in a harry potter community revolving around the 7th years at hogwarts? it would most likely be post-harry and the gang, and it would only have about 40 spots (5 girls and 5 boys in each house). it would be more of a private psl kind of thing, i guess. i just wanted to see what kind of interest there would be!
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[01 Sep 2011|08:31pm]
home, or psl? no faux celeb or college games please.
6 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|08:37pm]
[info]brnswick Her two older brothers (maybe Misha Collins and Joel McHale), [info]vnesj to apply, and cousins on either side!
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[01 Sep 2011|08:39pm]
[info]viennagate the perez family!
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[01 Sep 2011|08:39pm]
[info]agency kristen stewart, holland roden, the jonas brothers, mark salling, tegan and sara credits, more guys to even things out, musicians to jam out with
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[01 Sep 2011|08:40pm]
[info]uga lines, please! which frat should he be in? and also a candice accola for a specific line!
8 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|08:46pm]
[info]santabarbara a love interest, party buddies, fellow dance lovers, anything and everything
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[01 Sep 2011|08:46pm]
[info]jacksonwy Alex Pettyfer, Jake Abel, Mark Salling or Darren Criss
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[01 Sep 2011|08:47pm]
[info]brnswick Max Irons and/or Channing Tatum for one of four lines I had in mind! I'm not too picky apparently, lmao. Also, cousins on either side of her family for her and [info]acea, other friends, and maybe a younger male or female for someone new to work under her at the photo gallery she is the assistant manager for.
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[01 Sep 2011|08:50pm]
Could I please get a Michael Steger to [info]click as this dude's older brother?
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[01 Sep 2011|08:50pm]
would a joe jonas be wanted anywhere? lines, especially of the family variety, are always sweet.
17 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|08:52pm]
more lines and a girl for a specific line at [info]agency, also band members
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[01 Sep 2011|08:52pm]
[info]prtland Mark Salling, Candice Accola, Katerina Graham, Ashley Tisdale, Cory Monteith, and anyone else for friends!
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[01 Sep 2011|08:57pm]
Can I get a Stana? Because I'm a silly little Stanathan shipper even if I'm a full season behind on the show.
11 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|09:00pm]
what ladies are wanted at [info]uga? lines are a plus!
5 comments|post comment

[01 Sep 2011|09:03pm]
Home/lines for an Aaron Tveit?
4 comments|post comment

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