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Obligatory "Hi I'm new" post - but I'm not! [29 Mar 2016|11:36pm]

Hi. Apparently whenever you leave and come back, even if it's just for a week, you have to make it known to the rest of the school body. Yay.

For those of you who don't remember me, or I never met, or are new; I'm Nolan.

They didn't give my bed away so I'm back in Spurs, so that's nice. What else... weight training... swimming... umm...

Ok so I know I'm gonna be asked about my trip so here's the highlights. No, I didn't run away I went home to deal with family stuff. Yes, everything is ok. No, I didn't do anything fun and I came back because otherwise I'd be violating the court something or other and jail is not a place I want to spend the rest of my teenage years.

BTW there are a few people (you know who you are)... we need to talk...
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[20 Mar 2016|05:08pm]

Hello. I'm Phillip. Hate being called Phil. I'm new to this area, just moved up here from VA. I'm with the Spurs, the running club and weight training. I'm turning 19 next month. And I'm not sure what else you'd want to know about me. It doesn't matter why I'm here.

Oh- I was told there would be no coffee on campus. That'll be fun to get used to.
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[14 Feb 2016|03:25pm]

Left just inside of Spurs girls Dorm with Linley's name on it )
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[16 Dec 2015|09:47pm]

Left on Alina's pillow immediately following the end of classes )
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birthday gift for Linley [15 May 2015|06:38pm]

under the cut )
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Nova Lee? doc? [13 Apr 2015|12:06pm]

I think it's time!

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Hiking Club! [11 Apr 2015|10:57pm]

In light of the nearly-unending raining, we will be starting the hiking club back on Saturday, April 18. That's one week from today. Come prepared with water bottles, hoodies and either sneakers or hiking boots if you're interested in joining, we'll meet at 9am at the cafeteria, just like last year.

If you weren't a member of the hiking club last year, don't worry, you're welcome to join now or any other time! We like joiners! This first hike will be a fairly easy one.

In other news, I shaved. Let's how long it lasts this time.
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Easter baskets for the Spurs [05 Apr 2015|12:21am]

Hannah, Jasna & Linley )

Fitz )

*there is NO candy in the baskets & each basket is a different colour and tied with a different coloured ribbon
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[05 Feb 2015|01:01am]

Hola, Mount Triumph!

My name is Ezra McKinney your new French/Spanish teacher. I'm excited to be here and its my first time working with teenagers, so please be gentle! I promise some fun teaching methods coming soon just bare with me while I settle in. I look forward to teaching all of you! And of course meeting all the staff and my fellow co-workers.
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Kellan McLeod [03 Feb 2015|04:41pm]


I hope you're having an awesome day!
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[11 Sep 2014|07:02pm]

So....this place is Woodsy. Aren't people all concerned about allergies and pollen and getting stung by bees and their throats closing up and whatever else? I thought nature was bad? Actually, now this makes perfect sense.

I'm Moriah. I've apparently offended someone somewhere because I was sent here without any sort of say in it by TPTB. Bitches. All of them busy bodies up in people's business like what I do that doesn't hurt anyone or affect them matters to them? WTF? And they DARE accuse my parents of being horrible for wanting a large family? That is religious persecution! What happened to the 1st amendment!?

I'll show them. You can't keep a good woman down! Oh yeah, I'm in the Wind Dancers group?
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[04 Sep 2014|11:36pm]

A nevem Bathory Vila, és én vagyok a Budapest. Nem beszélek angolul. Nem tudom, mi az a "sundog" az vagy, de ez a csoport vagyok. Nem akarok itt lenni. Én nem akarom, hogy. Hiányzik az apám.

name Bathory Vila. Sundog. hello
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simple man [12 Aug 2014|08:10am]

If you could have a theme song, what would it be?

This is mine.

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Tirzah Shea? [11 Aug 2014|08:49pm]


It's almost 9, I know, but I hope you had a good day today!
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Discovery! [22 Jun 2014|08:39pm]

Massive Ocean Discovered Towards Earth's Core

This is fascinating! Most of my study of geology is more on the earth's surface with water and sedimentation, but we really don't know that much about the Earth's core. We can't go down that far and we're still working to develop the technology to learn more about what we can't get to. This is a great development!

Top 10 Creepiest Fish

And because if we are going to talk about things hiding deep in the Earth....we can't forget these horrific beasties! Shockingly, only one is found in Australia, the land of murderous mother nature. If these things are in the ocean that we can reach, I would hate to see what's further inside the planet!
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email to Novalee [15 Jun 2014|01:04am]

To: Williams, Novalee
From: Llewellyn, Niki
Subject: Jude


Jude has asked if I can take him off campus for a while tomorrow, which is fine with me, but of course he needs your permission. He's getting stir crazy and a break might help him blow off some steam and readjust his perspectives. He wants to go to the mall and a movie.


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a reminder to everyone: [16 May 2014|01:02am]

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow’." - Mary Anne Radmacher
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Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die! [15 May 2014|05:03pm]

So this is where they send the rejects and broken people. Needs more ocean, but then I guess we don't rate waterfront living, do we? That's for the special people that aren't us. Very green.

Name's Desi. I follow the Pirate Code. Guess I'm here until....I'm not. Or 18. Whichever comes first.
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ATTN: New Club [05 May 2014|09:03am]

Beginning this Saturday, I'm going to sponsor a hiking club. This is going to be a mite different than the hiking that your cabins already do, so I hope everyone comes to check it out! Sign up sheet is with all the other club information sheets.

Saturdays 9-11am. Wear comfortable closed-toed shoes and make sure you have a water bottle.

See you there!
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Jasna Montez? [01 Jan 2014|11:25am]


First cupcake of 2014. I hope you're having a great day!
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