p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'tyr'

Sep. 3rd, 2017



well I don't know why I came here tonight

Who: Gus and Lucas
What: Work and home stress don’t mix too well, leading to the act of unintentionally spilling the beans about a certain redhead to a (seeming) stranger...
Where: Muldoon’s
When: (Backdated to) July 20th; Happy hour, but it’s not quite so happy… >.>

I got the feeling that something ain't right; )
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Aug. 10th, 2017



stop looking at the floor

Who: Gus and BB.
What: BB is super nosy; Gus is super grumpy…is it a recipe for disaster?!
Where: Pax Rec Room.
When: July 30th, early afternoon.

I need to pour out this expansive dose of words )
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Jul. 11th, 2017



o crap it's going down

Who: Alice and Gus
What: Flirtatious behavior leads to poor decisions
Where: Gus’s apartment
When: June 20, the night before the pool party (so hella backdated)

i’m yelling timber )
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Jun. 21st, 2017



hot summer streets

What:​ ​Pax Letale pool party.
Where:​ Pax pool.
When:​ Wednesday, June 20; in-game time, 7 p.m.
Notes: Hey guys -- you know the rules. Tag/label your posts, ask for permission coming into threads, etc etc. Any questions, toss 'em at the the modbox.

and the pavements are burning )

Jun. 15th, 2017



there's a lot of talk

Who: BB, Gusgus, & Alice.
What: The love triangle goes minigolfing.
Where: Golfland, except we'll pretend it's closer than Anaheim.
When: June 3rd, mid-afternoon

about the danger zone )

May. 28th, 2017



as if unaffected amid the violence

Who:​ Augustus and Jocelyn
What:​ ​Jocelyn’s looking for the self defense classes, and Gus might be inclined to help her.
Where: Pax Letale’s Gym
When: May 19th, around 12 p.m.

ooh, are we also tamed? )
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May. 16th, 2017



bolt and bar the shutter, for the foul winds blow

Who: Loki [Nish] and Tyr [Augustus]
What: Post-maiming, Loki has a few choice words for the wounded Aesir.
Where: Dreamland, a land of dreams and a place for dreams to land.
When: Night of May 4th.

everything outside us is / mad as the mist and snow )
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Apr. 22nd, 2017



by the rivers dark where I could not see

Who: Fenrir and Tyr
What: The Leavings of the Wolf has another offer for the caged beast.
Where: Dreamland, a land of dreams and a place for dreams to land. (Bonus: Nihilism, because it’s the Nordic dreamland.)
When: Between the never and now.

who was waiting there, who was hunting me; )
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Apr. 21st, 2017



the light it fidgets through

Who: Abel and Augustus
What: An odd duo gather for drinks during the chaos...
Where: Third floor, near the mead and the hearth.
When: Monday, April 17th, circa 9 p.m.

the thoughts'll soon revert to you )
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Apr. 17th, 2017



taking the long way around

Who: Alice & BB, then Gus.
What: BB checks up on her family.
Where: Fourth floor, then sixth.
When: Sunday, April 16.

Well, I never seem to do it like anybody else )

Apr. 16th, 2017



I'm gonna fight 'em off

Who: Nish and Gus
What:​ Nish is freaking out about possible secrets being spread around. Again.
Where:​ Pax, 6th floor
When: Sunday , April 16, 2017
What: gdoc complete!

a seven nation army couldn't hold me back... )
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to smile on the pale dawn

Who: Gus and Rafael
What: It’s not good to fall asleep when there’s a storm a-brewing...
Where: Out on the Pax lawn(s)
When: Late afternoon, just before dusk, April 6th

and gather you / who have sought more than is in rain or dew )
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Apr. 11th, 2017



if you break some bones on landing

Who: BB & Augustus; a brief interlude with Abel.
What: A loving sister brings her younger brother a housewarming present.
Where: #605; then the Pax Letale parking lot.
When: April 4th, evening.

you know you're built to last; )
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Apr. 1st, 2017



are you classified as human?

Who: Alice and Gus
What: Gus comes over for dinner!
Where: Alice’s apartment
When: Early evening, March 31st

negative, i am a meat popsicle )
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Mar. 17th, 2017



saints and sinners are but we

What:​ ​Pax throws a rager for St. Patrick's Day.
Where:The Last Stop.
When:​ March 17.
Notes: Welcome to another game event thread! The same rules apply as before; please mark where your character can be found in the event location (i.e., by the bar, seated in the lounge, on the dance floor). If possible, please use a time stamp so we can keep track of everyone. If you have a specific person coming into your thread, please mark the thread with their name (i.e., by the bar, 7:30 pm - daniel), otherwise please indicate that you're 'open'. If a thread is already occupied, please talk with the players before jumping in. Any questions, please contact the mods!

twisted wrecks of symmetry )

Aug. 20th, 2010


Who: Nate and idk his BFF Pierce?
What: It's Beer O'Clock. And discussion time.
Where: T1.
When: After Pierce meets his cheery niece Aura in a graveyard, and after Nate picks up Simon from the airport. LULZ.
Warnings: This bromance is so awesome, it may kill you in the face fifty times.

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. )
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