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Thread Statuses [15 Jan 2013|10:17am]
I have some threads in question, so I need to know!

JAN: Are we finished with A Request, or did you want to continue that one?

CARY & TEREESA: Are we calling Kitten's New Home done?

JESS: Where do we stand with Deadbeat “Husband”?

KELLY & NAE: I was having Sigyn wait her turn in Green Apples, since it's Idun's turn next. Did you want me to continue to do that, or jump over her?

Thank you, ladies!

See Icon [15 Jan 2013|07:30pm]

Dearest Hera,
This drink is delicious. Pardon me while I get every last drop without getting ice in my face or looking like a sorority sister chugging her way into intoxication in preparation for her major movie debut in Girls Gone Wild.

Suck it.



So, I was doing my bimonthly icon hunt and low and behold I found this and it made me laugh so hard I had to use it. I may also be feeling a bit... punchy tonight. <33

[ viewing | January 15th, 2013 ]
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