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Hello [14 Jan 2013|12:56am]
I'm Kate.

This is Nyx. She has put her Sleepy son to bed and tucked him in, because he needed a nap. Now she's ready to play.

Those who have seen me play Nyx in the past, this is a new and improved version. Check out her application, which is in her friends-locked journal. And if you want some plot with her, let me know.

Something new [14 Jan 2013|01:04am]
Cary here with a new boy.

I'm afraid Pothos has flown off to go surfing. I loved my little erote, but he was not talking to me much anymore. So he has retired.

In his place, I bring you Erebos! Father to a few of the current critters in the game, husband to the new Nyx. He is looking forward to getting out and playing! Anyone up for a little Darkness in their lives?

It's Goodbye... At Least for Now [14 Jan 2013|03:57pm]
No, not me.

For my dear Rainbow.

Iris and I have a long, vibrant history. She was the first app I ever recall writing (since I had Loki from back when DDC was nothing but chaos and Harm about as long). She's been through a good deal but the time has come to put her on the shelf.

I love her dearly but I've been struggling with her for months and I just think maybe it's time to let her go.

I'm better about this today than I was when I made the decision yesterday. Sorry Jess, I think you were the only one with characters closely tied to Iris that I didn't get a chance to give a heads up on this to.

Xaire, Iris.

~ Dawn

[ viewing | January 14th, 2013 ]
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