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Hello, all. [16 Dec 2008|11:00pm]
I am Liz, and this is Ares, God of War. He enjoys FutureWeapons, the International Herald Tribune, Takashi Miike films and wholesale violence. He's been wandering about Georgia and South Ossetia lately, although he did nip down to Athens to catch the police shooting and subsequent riots a week or so back. Fun times.

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions. I've perused his past threads and poked around in the userinfos of those who would most likely be connected to him. This incarnation is a somewhat different take than those before. That said, I'd love a chance to chat with any writer(s) who'd like to continue (or begin) plot with Ares, so we're on the same page and can take the most in-character tack. Email (jealousmuses [at] gmail [dot] com) or AIM (MmeLibertine) are both fine, although I can't always guarantee coherence or undivided attention via AIM.

I look forward to meeting - and writing with - you all. ♠

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