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Plot Chat! [15 Dec 2008|04:08pm]
Okay, folks, it’s about that time again. So the details are that we’re holding plot chat on Friday, December 19th, at 11:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 Central, 9:00 Mountain, and 8:00 Pacific. We know this is a little late for those of us on the East Coast, but we’ve been doing them early and our West Coasters deserve a chance to actually make it to chat too.

Now we know, it’s the middle of the holiday season, there are parties and cookie baking and last minute shopping. We do understand that. All we’re asking for is an hour of your time, and since it’s been a while since we’ve had a good turn out, we’re hoping a lot of you can make it. We have new players, new characters, and a big event coming up with the Winter Ball, so we’d like to see a lot of names on our buddy list when Friday night rolls around.

So come Friday, sign into AIM, be online and available or you won’t get an invite, and as usual, we’ll start pulling people in half an hour before chat officially starts.

[ viewing | December 15th, 2008 ]
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