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A Crime Has Been Committed!!! [10 Sep 2008|01:48am]
Philotes has become a thief! Oh noes! During her visit with Frigg, in the midst of some clumsy flailing, she has ended up with one of Frigg’s thimbles in her pocket. Now, she didn’t mean to take it, and if she knew, she’d be horrified. But take it, she did, and it is no longer in Frigg’s possession.

Why am I telling you this?

Because that little thimble is going to be trouble with a capital T! And it is going to set up something big BIG BIG for later. Something that’s going to effect all the critters in the game. But in order for it to work, we’re going to need your help. Yes, YOU! And you, and you, and you… well, not you, but YOU, definitely. Yep.

So it goes like this:

If the thimble comes into your character’s possession, their job is to pass it on to the next person. The more hands this little thimble can pass through, the better. Find a reason to give it as a gift, lose it in somebody’s temple, stick it in somebody’s purse as a gag, whatever. As long as that thimble keeps getting passed around. This will continue until we say stop!

So… Lottie currently has possession of this thimble and it’s burning a hole in her pocket. Who wants it next? We’ll set up a thread, and get this ball rolling!

[ viewing | September 10th, 2008 ]
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