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Florida or Bust! [09 Sep 2008|07:18am]
Just an FYI to everyone that I will be unavailable from tonight through early next week. My mother has decided that the greatest way to help me with personal issues is to spring for a
Disney vacation. Since I'm not paying a penny for the hotel, airfare or dining, I'm not complaining. I won't have internet access at the hotel because I just can't justify $10 a day to check my email. So everything will have to wait until I return.

If there's anything urgent, get in touch with Tereesa or Kate or Cary, they have my cell number and can get ahold of me. Otherwise, while I'll be back in Wisconsin on Monday, I won't be back home until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Au revoir, mes amis!

[ viewing | September 9th, 2008 ]
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