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Changes [18 Jun 2008|05:31pm]
Hello DDCers,

The time has come for us, your mods, to move on. I'm placing my characters up for adoption today; Meg is doing the same, with the exception of Ares (she's finishing up a thread). We will continue to work on the mod duties as of yet unfinished, but we won't be able to host any Plot Chats for the remainder of June. Activity Checks are also canceled for the month of June. The Official Mod Crown will be passed on to someone else - two someone elses, actually - at the end of the month or around about. They'll say hello in their own time, I'm sure.

I really, really loved my time here, both as a mod and as a player. Thanks, guys, for making DDC what it is.


[ viewing | June 18th, 2008 ]
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