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Hello and good-bye! [17 Jun 2008|10:57am]
Well, good-bye for just a bit again. This is Kate, and before I take my computer apart for the move tomorrow morning, I’d like to introduce you to my seventh…

Meet Njord. Once upon a time he was a fairly important guy amongst the Vanir, a sea god in charge of all sorts of fun stuff. Then he sort of got traded as part of a truce with the Aesir and he and his kidlets, Freyja and Freyr, went to live with the enemy. Along the way he married and divorced Skadi.

These days, he’s decided he likes it a little warmer and he’s living in Hawaii. Good surfing, girls in bikinis and lots and lots of ocean.

I’m posting a narrative for him to get him into the swing of things, and then when I get back, we can get some plottage together for him, because he’s definitely ready to play. See y’all in less than a week… I hope… keep your fingers crossed, because if it’s much longer than that, I’m gonna rip my hair out.

[ viewing | June 17th, 2008 ]
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