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Thread Summaries: Jan. 6th - Jan. 26th [27 Feb 2008|11:22am]
With absolutely no ado whatsoever.

Read on!

Deities Dot Com Thread Summaries: January 6th - January 26th... )

I’ll finish getting caught up tomorrow.

WAARRR! Good god, ya'll -- WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?! [27 Feb 2008|07:32pm]
War. So where are we? Where have we been? Where are we going? Yes, there is a method to the madness! Let's look it in the eye. It all began (in April '07!!!!!!) when...

..a series of attacks, perpetrated by Moros and the Keres struck Olympus and its kind. After a good amount of crime, punishment, the threat of war, reason settles that threat. Grudges turn into a full-out bid for supremecy and finally more attacks that bring war about for certain...

Erebos secretly attacks Zeus (and is killed for it), Zeus declares war on the Underworld - after first granting a week of amnesty. Some Underworlders take it; others do not. Mostly, everyone's afraid, worried, pissed, or tries to stay the fuck out of it altogether. Loyalties splinter - on both sides. Mayhem. Confusion. Then, in a series of guerrilla-style attacks, Moros, Akheron, and now Phlegethon continue bombarding Olympus. Gods are injured. Gods die.

Akheron has stolen Aphrodite for a bartering chip, in a strategic move to hold Olympus off from the war Zeus has promised.

Prometheus will go to Zeus for a little 11th-hour advice. And Prometheus has a plan of action that will RESOLVE THE WAR ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Granted, this is a very high-level overview. There's no way to summarize each and every (awesome) thread involved in this nearly-year-long plot arc. And there's nothing to say that more threads can't be added on! But trust and believe that, after almost an entire year (Holy hell, you guys are amazing), we shall be wrapping up shortly.

Get it while it's good, peoples!

Right! Plot Chat Poll Results [27 Feb 2008|08:36pm]
The people have spoken! Well, 16 of us anyhow, which is good enough for government work!

Of all of us, there wasn't a majority for a Plot Chat this weekend.

But of the 16 of you, 7 said you wanted an informal get-together chat, and 2 said you wanted a PDC post -- so that makes 9 of you who want something, at least, if not the full out Plot Chat. So with that in mind...

What're you guys up to tonight? *messages the hell out of you all*

Informal Get-Together Chat Transcript... [27 Feb 2008|09:36pm]
Friends-locked: log in to view.
NOT SAFE FOR WORK: you knew that already.


[ viewing | February 27th, 2008 ]
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