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Dude, where's my plot chat? [26 Feb 2008|07:42pm]
Hai guiz,

So in case you're not keeping track, the last Plot Chat was on February 2nd. I know, right? But don't worry. It's deliberate!

I was trying to give everyone a chance to catch up with the War!Plotline - in fact, I was thinking we wouldn't even have another Plot Chat until after the War!Plotline was over. But! What do you think about that?

Go HERE to vote on it. (People who don't have an OOC Journal - KITTY - well, that's what you get! ... nah. IM me if you wanna and we'll hash it out.)

Let me know by the end of Wednesday. If there IS a Plot Chat, it'll be Saturday evening probably, sometime.

Right! Go VOTE!

[ viewing | February 26th, 2008 ]
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