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i'm not the only one staring at the sun.... [05 Feb 2008|08:39am]
[ mood | amused ]


she's been in the works for a while, but here, lovely community of writers, is my second character. i bring you amaterasu, the shinto goddess of the sun! -dances about in insane happy manner-

the short version of the history and connections run thus: this is susano's sister and the girl uzume got to come out of hiding.

there is much info up in her journal, and a link in the userinfo for even MORE info, if shinto and japanese myth blow your hair back. ;) the long and the short of it are that you got yourselves a very very pretty, very very vindictive, and at times very naive sun.

i'm very excited about her, so hopefully you guys are too! if you have any plot ideas, please hit me up!


PS: FAE! thank you for your icon help! so so much!<3

Erm yes [05 Feb 2008|11:24pm]

It's me, Mila. And contrary to what I told Meg earlier today, I may be a little bit retarded. I've just picked up two new faces. Well. One not new, and the other only new to me.

Firstly, there's Morrigan (yeay! Mila's a liar!), who can be found at [info]one_and_three. She's been mine the whole time, nobody else has played her, but if you've picked up a character that's new, or new to you and you want/think you have had history with her, please let me know and I'll fill you in/plot with you.

The other one is Ereshkigal. Who can be found at this journal.

And here's a first for me:

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

This is kind of really important, because I really have no idea who's done what or with who or whathaveyou. So please, please help me. Please.

And there it is.

PS, I haven't done the icons yet, no.

Activity Checks - January '08 [05 Feb 2008|11:59pm]
You guys are seriously awesome. SERIOUSLY.
But if you still want to look at when the last approximate date was that you posted, LO! BEHOLD:

Last Activity Dates. )

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