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omg the love [04 Feb 2008|09:46am]
Her escort for the evening was her darling grandson, and she was going to do her best to stop questioning everything he told her. Even if his wardrobe suggestions had been unorthodox. Jeans. The boy wanted to know if she had jeans.


that is all. it's really that last sentence that pushes me over the edge.

What a challenge! [04 Feb 2008|08:50pm]
I realize we haven't done a challenge in quite some time. This is mostly because we've been running Big Plot and haven't really needed a challenge, but we will eventually! I'm opening this post to let you guys toss some ideas out for what challenges you might like to see. It will help us when we need something for a rainy day...or month. :D

[ viewing | February 4th, 2008 ]
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