our true selves.

November 10th, 2009

our true selves.


November 10th, 2009

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Another new character from your favourite nagging British mod! (Aka: Katy)

This is William Crawford, he's the reincarnation of Boy Blue from the amazingly wonderful Fables, which you should all read! Due to his Fable nature, he's actually immortal in the way that he won't die of old age so he's 206 years old. He's spent a lot of time in the reincarnate community, and even worked for the Agency up until the Cold War when they turned all Neutrality Is The Most Important Thing EVAR. He currently works for Camelot in Manhattan, and he's just returning to the online community.

If your character's been a reincarnate for a while, even if they haven't been using the journals all that long, then it is a possibility that they have met him, shared a beer with him or just heard him play the blues. I'm up for all sorts of backstory, even if it's with people's parents or grandparents and he can then be all 'oh, you're soandso's kid!' or whatever.

Other things about him include: He changes his official ID every 15 years through the Agency, he's fought in several wars so has military experience, he's English but has lived all over the place, he's a good fighter (200 odd years of practice will do that), he works as a desk clerk for a law firm in Manhattan and he plays the trumpet. A lot.

Any and all other information can be found here. He needs all different kinds of plot because he's new and shiny!

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