our true selves.

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our true selves.



May 15th, 2010

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As some of you have already heard, Claudie and I have made the decision to close OTS.

Our reasons are varied, but it boils down to the fact that we no longer feel comfortable playing or plotting in our game. It's a sad fact, but if this was just a game we were in rather than modding, we would simply leave.

While we do still love the game, we feel that to make OTS into a place where we would feel comfortable playing and plotting would cause too many problems and ooc drama. This has been a long time coming and we've been trying to keep things going as long as possible, but we've finally reached a point where we don't feel like we can do what we want to do in our game.

Due to the sudden nature of this announcement we are allowing two weeks before officially closing (29th May). On the following day, Sunday 30th, we will remove everyone's posting ability to the game and turn the friends button into a defriend button for those who wish to use it.

If you wish to start your own game or PSL with these characters then we encourage you to do so, all we ask is that if you're going to use things like the Agency, CORE or Camelot etc then you give credit to OTS. We've put a lot of hard work into the game and simply ask that you recognise that.

This is a heartbreaking decision for us, because we do still love the game, the characters and we have had so many ideas that we would love to explore. When OTS is good, it's fantastic, you're all so active and involved but the times that aren't good for us are beginning to outweigh the good and we can no longer continue modding a game we do not feel 100% comfortable in and where we are constantly second guessing ourselves just in case we do something wrong.

If you wish to drop ahead of the two week mark then please just drop a note into the drop box and we'll remove your journals early.

We wish you all good luck, and hope to play with some of you again some day.

ETA: The friending button has now been changed to a defriend button. Please use it whenever you're ready.

May 12th, 2010

random meme!

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T-Shirt Meme!

What shirt would your character give another one?

Comment with your character then comment to others with a t-shirt your character would give them.

If you want to make a custom one, there's one here!

May 11th, 2010

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In a shameless desire for new music I bring a meme.

It's 1am, your character can't sleep and they turn on the reincarnate radio and in their sleep deprived state they decide to call in to request a song.

What do they say and what song do they ask for Feel free to abuse the call in feature, call back arguments? Declarations of love? A plea for song ideas for a wedding and then replies to it? Go crazy!

Usual meme rules apply.

May 10th, 2010

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We've come up with a new premise, give it a look and tell us what you think.

Premise )

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So I have a character concept that I'm working on and I wanted to get some general feedback on her before I go too far ahead as she'll probably be a big antagonist for the game and her actions will probably have a big influence on the game.

Basically, she's a 3000 year old reincarnate of the Snow Queen from Fables. She was the first generation of reincarnates and as a result will be used for a lot of myth building for the game, and if that's your thing then let me know and maybe we can work something out. Due to her age, she's also a little bit insane. Not in the Adam crazy way, but a far more calculated and inhuman way. She's been around so long she's lost her humanity.

She's also a power hungry, manipulative little bitch. Everyone has their flaws!

I've put my ideas that I have for her under a cut, and it can also be found at my CDJ ([info]uneasylies). Right now she is just in the early planning stages, but I want need some direction in what people DO NOT WANT TO HAPPEN compared to what you do want to happen.

There are a lot of plot ideas there, but if you have anything you like or don't like then just tell me. As always I can be reached on AIM at uneasy lies or on e-mail.

The Snow Queen ideas )

May 9th, 2010

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Greetings OTS! Rae here, with a new kidlet for all of you to enjoy.

This is Miri Evans. She's a physician at the VA clinic in Nashville who just so happens to be the reincarnate of Castiel (everyone's fave rebellious angel from Supernatural). She's had Castiel for...almost seventy years now. That's right, Miri stopped aging in 1941, thanks to all that angelic influence, which makes her one of the younger members of the ageless reincarnate crowd, but still old enough to be your character's grandmother.

For the most part, Miri is somewhat serious, but she's friendly, especially with other reincarnates. At the moment, she could use some more friends/enemies/lovers/etc. Anyone who needs religious counseling is....well, they're kind of screwed, but she'll have a chat with them anyway. She's also a really good doctor (she's had tons of practice), so if anyone wants another reincarnate to treat their ailing character, feel free to go to her. Her full profile is up in her journal, and I'll have a first entry up for her soon. Stay tuned!

I'm at pixelated sadism for plots and chats. Don't be shy about hitting me up!

Happy gaming!

Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste...

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Hey everyone! Kate here, with character ten.

This is Nick Lafayette, and as the song says, he's been around for a long, long year and stole many a man's soul and faith. Which is to say that while he isn't actually the devil, he could use a little sympathy since he is the reincarnate of the demon Crowley from Good Omens.

He's been around a long time, off and on of course. So far in his 250 years he's fought some wars, had some kids, wrote some books, wandered the world, worked with CORE, quit CORE, thwarted and been thwarted by angels, played the stock markets, and started a commune. Basically just enjoying the hell out of life, and he's still at it.

He's currently living in New Orleans, working (for a given definition of working) as a marketing consultant, and tempting people into sin. Sort of. He needs friends, enemies, possibly descendants, and plots! Also, if anyone has a character teetering on the edge between good and evil, he's eager to come give them a push. Full info is here and a post will be going up sometime later today. As per usual, you can find me at [aim] improbablekate. Ciao!

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So, this is Heather. Introducing her eleventh character (I'm crazy). Weeee!

Meet Briar Hayes! About to turn the big 1-5-0 (that would be one hundred and fifty years old, yes, she was born in 1860), and the reincarnate of Fables' very own Rose Red.

She's been around for awhile (understatement is very understated), seen a lot of things, been a lot of places and obviously met a lot of people. Most notably she was a part of a commune in the 1970's run by other immortal reincarnates, but other then that, she doesn't know anyone else who's currently on the boards because she's stayed away from them up until now. She's been busy? Doing... other... stuff. Yeah. So she has no idea there's a Snow yet (Rose Red's sister), and she unknowingly met Bigby before during WWI, he saved her during a raid, but we'll get to that later. Briar isn't all Rose Red, she was never much of a party girl but she is a master of decent (she faked her own death once) and does have tragic taste in men. There's not a person alive who she actually trusts, she keeps people at a distance but not in an unfriendly way. She's actually quite pleasant to be around, especially with a glass of wine in her hands.

She likes to move around and gets a bit of a twitch when she stays in one place for too long, which is a good thing since as an immortal she kind of has to keep moving. Never had a family, kids, none of that stuff. She's kept a lot of jobs in her life time, included but not limited to being a nurse during the first two world wars. She's a bit jaded and has an ironic sense of humor (really, it helps her live with herself because she and Rose Red are one big fucking irony), and smokes like a chimney. She likes to blame Rose for her nicotine addiction but that's hardly accurate as it started before she showed up...

Currently she's in France working as a lounge singer, having avoided most of the reincarnate war (she was a little burnt out on wars by this point), she didn't side with any side but did feel empathy for Camelot. Anyway, she needs friends! Enemies! Acquaintances, we're open to anything! Like I said, she's been around for a long time and been basically everywhere so it's very likely that you might have come across her once. Her character bio is here and her first post will go up in a few minutes. If you want to reach me for plot or just random chat you can IM me at pumpkinnneater or e-mail me at goodasgranger@yahoo.com.


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We have a little fun challenge for you all!

There are almost 100 characters in the game at the moment and I know that there are loads that I haven't interacted with due to one thing or another, and I'm sure it's the same for the rest of you too.

So here's the challenge.

Have your characters talk to as many new characters (characters they haven't spoken to before) as possible. You never know what you might find, a new bff, a new enemy, a one night stand or at least a fun random conversation.

There's no pressure to take part, or have anything come from the interaction if you don't want to. It should just be a fun little challenge.

The person who has their characters talk to the most new characters wins a shiny... something. Userinfo banner maybe?

The challenge will last over two weeks, you can keep your own tally's and on the 23rd we'll ask you all for your totals and the person with the most new interactions wins.

Go to town folks!

May 6th, 2010

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Just a quick note to say that I'm going to be taking a brief hiatus (from now until next Wednesday, 5/12). The end of the semester has snuck up on me and I have two papers and a project all due between Sunday and Tuesday. Given I will readily admit I am easily distracted at times, I figured it would be best to limit the number of possible distractions and make myself scarce for a bit.  I'll probably be on AIM on occasion, so, feel free to hit me up if you want to talk or plot, just note that I won't be up for threading or any such thing.

That covers everything, I believe. Try not to have too much fun without me, dahlings.



May 2nd, 2010

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The following characters need to become active by the next activity check (16th May) or they will be removed. Please remember that activity is either a journal post or being involved in a thread in either [info]ourtrueselves or [info]ourtruecomms. If you need a hiatus then please go here to request one, and if you have any questions then please contact the mods.

If you're on either list and you have reached activity requirements then please reply to this post with a link and we'll edit accordingly. We're only human and sometimes things get missed.

If you're featured on either list then you will not be able to hold or apply for a new character until there is an activity check where none of your characters are featured.


Krystelle Deroux
Deacon Cartwright
Shannon Reeve


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Hi guys! This is Claudie and I caved to a long standing desire to bring in a chirpy Jedi.

I'd like to introduce you to Carrie Paley, the reincarnated form of Ahsoka Tano from Clone Wars. She's a junior high school student, wannabe reporter and weekend waitress at the book store cafe in SoHo who is impossibly cheerful and has a gravitational pull on trouble. She's spunky, sulky but very affectionate and does try to look on the bright side of everyone, but deep down is still the girl who, when the lightsaber doesn't work, will hit you over the head with a rock.

Friends, enemies and plots welcome and don't forget to add by running the friend button. As always, I'm around on phoenix shimmers and pro-random IMing.

May 1st, 2010

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Okay. Fess up. Who is tired of seeing me in the OOC comm? Anyway, this is Kaye with my 4th character. Up and up the numbers go. Yeah, I'm impatient and a little nutso.

This is Austin Harper, but he goes by AJ. He is Dallas's little brother, so that means that he hails from San Saba, Texas. But he also lived in Mexico for 2 years, and Dallas, Texas for 2 years. Then, he went to MIT for a year, but he was so bored that he dropped out. Why was he bored, you ask? Well, he is host to one of the biggest computer geniuses ever... Well, maybe not ever, but he's pretty rad. It's Alec Hardison from Leverage. If you haven't seen it, go see it. You won't regret it. Awesome show. But, anyway, now he's in LA where he's hoping to find his missing sister. Ahem.

Unlike his sister, he speaks Spanish, though not perfectly, and he's quite used to having to speak some form of Spanglish, so it often falls into his speech. He nearly fell into a really bad crowd in high school, so after that, he became almost a perfect law-abiding citizen. And then Hardison with his law-breaking ways entered his head, and he suddenly isn't so perfect anymore. He's pretty strong, and it's not a good idea to provoke him since, though he's usually pretty easy-going, when pissed off, he has trouble controlling his anger. Though AJ likes to think that he's cool~ Hardison is helping to turn him into a big geek. He even as a World of Warcraft account. But shhhh... you're not supposed to know that.

Anyway. For the second time today, I'm asking for plot! You can find me at JabberwockyHakke as always, and my love is still for all!

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No, this isn't Bella, and no, she's not intro-ing her eleventh character, psh, what are you talking about?! >.>

.... Okay, well, obviously it is, and obviously I'm a crazy person! Today I bring you Tyler Cole, Hannah/Rogue's hunky older brother and reincarnate of one Rose Tyler! He's had Rose for a couple years now (though actually, he's had her longer, she just didn't speak up until his freshman year of college), and while he's mostly used to her, they still have their issues. Mainly, she likes to speak up when she thinks he's not being nice enough to people, or when he makes a mess and fails to clean it up. He's a pretty aloof guy, but once you get to know him, you're pretty much stuck with him for life (ironically, not something he got from Rose!).

Let's see, the dirty deets... he's 21, grew up in Iowa but goes to school at the University of Texas in Austin (studying astronomy), works in a planetarium, and is pretty much a huge geek but you'd never know it by looking at him. I've already got some plot for him, but as always, more would be fantastic! ♥

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to link to his profile! All his info's there, so yes. Plot away! :)

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Hey It's Katy here with my fourth character! So plots will be loved!

This is Annie Knight, 21 year old Columbia student who's just coming back to New york after spending a year in Paris studying at the Sorbonne, which is a convenient reason why she hasn't been around for the past year! She also has Obi-Wan Kenobi in her head. Beware her ability to kill furniture with a single lightsaber swish, and yes that is the reason she has a lot of cushions rather than anything more complicated than a bed and a desk in her dorm room.

She's caring, good natured, a bit of a geek and does get attached to people (much to Obi-Wan's amusement and annoyance). She's a reckless driver (be afraid, be very afraid), isn't bad at the whole feel the force thing but she's so not an expert and might've used it to get one or two free drinks over the years, and everything else about her can be found here.

Plots are ALWAYS loved, so either comment here, e-mail me or IM me at uneasy lies!

ETA: Her first post here, go say hello!


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Instead of doing this tomorrow in the activity check, I've decided to do this on the first day of every month. I also want to point out that you have one month before you can free any imprisoned CORE members, so get planning IC if it's still your intention!

NPCs will not be removed without our consent, however due to there being no formal activity check it's difficult for the mods to know which NPCs are still intended to be used and which are not. To make this easier on us we will be checking with you once a month to find out which NPCs are remaining and which need to be removed.

Please check here for a list of NPCs, and then tell us which of these you are intending to keep. You will have one week (8th May) to let us know or we will presume you want all your NPCs to be removed.

Thank you.

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Hey, all! This is Kaye again with my 3rd pup. And, as far as I know, probably my only girl. Yeah, only girl ever unless random plot kicks me to create another one. But since she may be my only one, you guys should lavish her with plot, yes?

Ahem. Anyway.

This is Rosemary Lea. She is a Canadian hailing from Toronto. She works at a museum pretty much acting as the curator's secretary, and the curator? He's a real perv. She's 19 years old, and she is also a student at the University of Toronto. She has had a few, ahem, jealousy issues in the past with her past relationships, to the point of stalking her ex-boyfriend when she suspected that he might be cheating on her (he wasn't). She's also had a fling with a girl! So she's a pretty open girl. She loves to really push it to the limit. She'll go bungee-jumping, sky-diving, skiing, mountain-climbing, just about anything. She's only been apart of this whole reincarnate deal for about 4 months now. Her caretaker actually showed up on her doorstep on January 1st whilst she was still recovering from her New Years Eve drinking binge (Hey! It's legal in Canada!)

Her reincarnate is Axel from Kingdom Hearts the game. For those of you that don't know, Axel is a being called a Nobody, and he was created from what was left over of a body after its heart (or soul) was removed from it. Because of this, Axel doesn't have a heart/soul, and though he's a good guy in the game, he was only good because he was around a character that made him feel like he had a heart/soul. Without that character around, well... who knows what will happen? Bwahahahaha, cough, cough, choke, die.

Anyway! Rosie deserves plot! And I can still be found on AIM at JabberwockyHakke. You all love me because I love you, so IM me, comment me, plot me... you know the drill!

April 30th, 2010

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Okay guys.

For whatever reason, AIM is boycotting pixelated sadism as a SN. It won't let me sign on at all. Anywhere. Which is seriously starting to piss me off, because I start jonesing if I'm not in contact with people!

So, until further notice, you can find me (that's Rae, ftr) at poison plums. Hopefully this is a temporary problem, but I like to have a backup plan in place, just in case!


NEVER MIND. I got it to work.

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Hey peeps! It's Kaye again with my second baby. I have a third accepted as well, but I'll save her introduction for tomorrow.

Anyway, this is Tanner Savage. He is the reincarnate of Bobby Singer from Supernatural! He's a part-time wheelchair user, and he uses forearm crutches the other part of the time. So, he's not paralyzed, but he was gravely injured when he was 13, and his legs have never been the same since. He totally blames that on Bobby, too, so they don't exactly have a functional relationship. He's from Bumfuck, Nowhere... AKA Dallas's hometown. Yup. Right now, though, he lives in Colorado just outside of Denver in a quiet suburb. And thanks to Bobby, he knows how to shoot a gun like nothing else.

He works at a Help Desk answering phones to help people with their computer issues. It sucks. Seriously. He can be bitter, sarcastic, darkly humorous, angry, cold... on and on and on. But he can have a sweet side, too. Somewhere. I'm sure. Maybe.

Tanner needs plot! In case you've forgotten, I can be found at JabberwockyHakke just about anytime of day. His first post will be up shortly!

And I still love you all. <3

April 29th, 2010


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Hey everyone, Amy here once again, and everyone should now meet Topher Strange, played by Michael Trevino, older brother to the crazy twins Tawny and Holly! He's 23 years old, a Psych major at Antioch University in Seattle, Washington, and he works as the manager of a movie theater that only plays Indie films, so he knows all about movies that aren't in mainstream, and doesn't know much about movies that ARE mainstream.

He's a nice guy most of the time, and he went into Psychology because he wants to be able to help his family, who are all pretty crazy by themselves. Also! He happens to be a pretty big drug addict, mostly pill popping with street drugs as well as anything he can pick up from the clinic he'll be interning at for the summer. He's recently found out the awesomeness of needles and the types of drugs they can hold as well, so if he makes sense only a little bit, that's a good day!

Plus, he has Death in his head, from the Sandman comics. For those who don't know, she's the second oldest of the Endless, a group of polymorphic beings. He does have her, and Death is a she! And he has her silver Ankh necklace that he wears everywhere except while at the clinic, and he also has her two pet goldfish that he has miraculously kept alive so far.

Have at him!~
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