our true selves.

November 9th, 2009

our true selves.


November 9th, 2009

Important: Rule Change.

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We've added the following to the rules:

- Please be logical about your characters accessing their reincarnate's talents and abilities. If you want your character to develop these skills then please show them developing as it won't happen instantaneously. If it's part of their backstory then it must be in their application at time of applying.

There is more information about powers and abilities here. If your character has talents and abilities then please reply to that post so we have a quick and comprehensive reference.

If you haven't been showing your character's development then I suggest you start doing so. We're not huge fans of hand waving everything, especially when it's important and could influence their abilities and by extension the game's plot.

ETA: This would have been added sooner but IJ went down and blah.

We need everyone to fill this form out for every character. Both for fandom talents and things they've learned themselves for fun, work, etc.

Character Name |
Reincarnate and Journal name |
Martial arts (length of time studying) |
Weapons (type and length of time studying) |
Other physical abilities (type and length of time studying) |

Powers |
Magic |
Supernatural |
Object Based Powers |
Mutation |
Psionics |
Other |

Talents |
Knowledge |
Practical skills |

Please use as much detail as possible as this will be used to aide us with plotting, as well as give everyone information on what your character can do and what would be considered a fair or unfair fight.

If something only applies to the fandom character because there are things that they haven't accessed to learned yet then please fill that in and state that it's currently fandom only. Remember that this doesn't automatically mean they can do it, but that they'll probably find it slightly easier to learn. It will also give us an idea of where your character's training is going.

We're giving you two weeks to do it, but failure to fill it out will result in a formal warning.

If there are ANY questions then just ask.
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