our true selves.

November 11th, 2009

our true selves.


November 11th, 2009

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I'm taking the opportunity this month to make sure everything's up to date as well as plotting. Please make sure you check your e-mail regularly as we're really, really trying to get things organised and can only do that with your help.

As you know, we're trying to get a complete and comprehensive list of every single characters abilities, talents and knowledge. You've all got until 23rd November to reply to the post, but failure to do so will result in a formal warning. The post is HERE. Remember, if you have any questions then just ask.

I also want you to make sure the following posts are completely up to date with your relevant information:

The Agency
Character sheet A-M
Character sheet N-Z

ETA: We need more CORE people urgently or else this will be less of a war and more like Camelot squashing them like a bug - not good. If the number of CORE people doesn't start to go up then we'll have to cap the amount of Camelot members until they even out.

Come on, guys, it's good to be bad!


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Two in one day, this is obviously a momentous day. Or Sheena and I just made decisions about five minutes ago.

We are lifting the cap on undecided characters, but we are capping characters coming into the game who are aligned with Camelot.

Characters may join Camelot after being in the game for one month but every new recruit must now be mod approved and we reserve the right to say no or timeline it for happening later in the game.

We are doing this because Camelot has 32 people aligned to it, and CORE has 12. If you guys actually want the war plot to go ahead then we're going to need more CORE people. If you don't, then say something so we know and can work something else out.

The new rules do not apply for anyone who might be targeted in the last recruitment e-mail but hasn't replied yet. It will apply for all new applicants and recruitment from now on.

If you have questions then please, as always, ask!
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