our true selves.

November 8th, 2009

our true selves.


November 8th, 2009


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I promised the people in chat that if I could think of something, I'd stick a meme up today. So here it is.

Due to some wacky magic your character feels the need to confess all of the secrets that they've been keeping from people.

Reply to the post with your character, and then others will reply to it IC with their confessions. As always, information is OOC unless permission is given otherwise and have fun!

Yes I know this is similar to other memes we've done. Just go with it and I'll be more imaginative next time.

Oodelally, oodelally, golly what a day!

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Hello all you beautiful people! Heather here with another new gal in town (well, in Las Vegas). Betty Peabody who is the host for the notorious,foxy Robin Hood! Best friend of Frankie/Much ([info]itsnoteasy) though they haven't officially met yet, and is also the youngest sister to Al Peabody ([info]senatorialdoc). A lot of fun to be had with both plots, so stay tuned, but Betty is also open to any other plot ideas as well as random interactions!

She's 21 years old, lives in Las Vegas and works as a dealer at a casino (the same casino Frankie Thomas works at). Mostly under the direct influence of Robin, she's been running an underground scheme centered around the timeless Robin Hood stand by; feed the poor and steal from the rich. Betty is pretty much best pals with her reincarnate, lively, crafy, and pretty much thrives on attention. A lot more obnoxious when she was younger, Bette has still got a bit of the little sister syndrome embedded in her, and totally oblivious to her older sister's discomforts. Anything else you want to know about her, please see her character bio in her journal! And hit me up for plots or just general internets shenanigans! pumpkinnneater, or goodasgranger@yahoo.com :)
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