our true selves.

October 1st, 2009

our true selves.


October 1st, 2009

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Hey, guys! This is Bella, and this morning I bring you Jimmy Winthrop, the shiny new reincarnate of Lucifer's favorite Winchester (that'd be Sam ;D). He's 28, and he works as a personal trainer at his dad's gym in Bethesda, Maryland. Jimmy's a nice guy - he cares a lot more about other people than he does about himself, and going along with that, he gets really uncomfortable when anybody singles him out. Sam hasn't been with him for very long - only a couple months at the most - and he was recruited to Camelot about the same time that the Agency found him.

So, here is his profile; feel free to hit me up for plot and stuff! :)

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Good news and bad news guys!

Bad news is that I'm dropping Jake ([info]stilltightpants), he's just not working out for me the way I thought he would so he's swanning off into the sunset with his kid. Well. He's just distancing himself from the omgWAR situation. Firefly types can say that they talk to him every so often if they want, but he is no longer in play.

Good news is that I bring in fresh meat a new character! This is Jacqueline Legrand, and she's the reincarnation of Boba Fett. She's a triple agent for CORE and Camelot and isn't ideologically aligned to anyone, she's just on the side of who's paying her the most and is all about the money. I imagine this is a pretty open secret with the higher ups of the organisations, as they have to keep paying her. The reason she gets away with selling everyone out to the highest bidder? She's very good at what she does. Namely espionage and black ops style work and she will get the job done, as long as someone doesn't pay her more to do it for them.

She does an odd bit of training for both organisations, so even if you're not all espionagey then you can run into her.

As far as her personal life and history goes, she lives in Paris when she's not jetsetting to spy on people. She was born in Georgia, spent a year in Boston when she was 14/15 to have a baby that got given up for adoption, went to Harvard, joined the CIA, married a Frenchman, left the CIA, her husband died and now she calls everyone under the age of 25 'kid'.

She's always armed and don't worry about her turning up with a different hair colour or look because she does that. Dressing up is fun!

All her info can be found here! for the stuff I didn't cover.

If you want plot or a chat or whatever then I can always be reached at uneasy lies!

- Katy

New Character!

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Hey everyone, Amy here! I bring you a new character just in time for some of the cool things to happen ^^

Her name is Alba Trenor-Seward, and yes, she is the wife of that crazy knight, Gideon Seward. And what is it that makes him feel so obsessive and crazy?

She happens to be the reincarnate of Queen Guinevere. Yeah, we wanted the craziness to be all over the place. Anyway, she lives in London with Gideon, she works for Camelot Enterprises in their International Customer Service department, she speaks many different languages, and she is in Camelot.

When the treaty began, she dropped out of Camelot, but now that its starting up again, she's come back into the game. She worked under Matthew Morgan, and so she doesn't know Michael as well.

You can find her information at [info]thegoodqueen. See you guys around!
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