our true selves.

September 30th, 2009

our true selves.


September 30th, 2009

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You should have known that I'd be ready to go as soon as apps opened. XDDD

This is Rae, with my final character (for reals this time, since I'm at the limit). This is Ryan Macintosh. He's 31, unmarried, and is an Agency employee. In fact, he just got a promotion. He's the new Director of Security. At the moment, he's still settling in to his new position. And to driving on the wrong side of the road, since he just moved to London from Miami (where he worked for their security office). Before that, he lived in Bixby, Oklahoma (where he was a cop). If anyone out there can guess where this is going, I will shower you in cookies.

For those of you that don't, I'll explain. Ryan is the reincarnate of Desdemona, the polymath from Scott Westerfeld's series Midnighters. What this means in a general sense is that Ryan is very, very good at math, and finding patterns, and just about everything that has to do with numbers. There's more to it, but it's long and complicated to explain, and it'll probably never come up, so just run with it.

He's an okay guy, if you don't mind some surliness. He takes things very seriously. Or as seriously as he can with a goth girl living in his head. All of his info is posted in his profile, so have a gander if you want to understand the deep workings of his brain. Or something like that. XD

As always, I'm available for plots and chats at pixelated sadism. And I ALWAYS want plot, so don't be shy.

Happy gaming!

PS His first entry is up here. Go make friends!

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Hi all! It's a Li-Li with character number five. This is Gideon Seward, who is none other than the infamous Arthurian heart-throb, Sir Lancelot himself. He's a sarcastic, self-deprecating graphic designer [read: you want him to join Camelot's propaganda department]. He's Australian, but he's currently living and working in London. Oh, and he's totally off the market. Sorry ladies and gents. With hope, his lovely wife will be arriving shortly, but that's all I'm gonna say.

Questions? Comments? Refusals? Walkings out? Slamming of doors? Let me know!

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Yay for apps being opened again!!

Anyways. Hi all, this is Krystal with my second character(aaaaaand I'll soon be apping a third, damn this game for being so addictive), Stacy Gardiner (full name's Anastacia, but no need to call her that) whose reincarnate is none other than ze Phantom of the Opera. Otherwise known as Erik. She's a twenty-seven-year-old nightclub singer who lives in London and who has alligned herself with The Agency. All other details are in her profile.

If anyone wants to work out a line with her, just hit me up!

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It's a couple of hours early, but as Sheena's around and I'm in a chipper mood; apps are now OPEN!

Holds will be removed at 7pm GMT on the 1st October. So you have until then to get your applications in before holds are removed.
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