our true selves.

October 2nd, 2009

our true selves.


October 2nd, 2009

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So, this is Krystal again. With my third character. I think I'm addicted to this game, guys. It's a little worrisome. lol Anyways. This is Mercedes Palmer and she's the reincarnate of one Senator Eleanor Prentiss Shaw from The Manchurian Candidate. For those who haven't seen Ellie in action, here's the trailer for the 2004 film.

She's kind of crazy. And since Ellie's been with Mercedes since she was eight-years-old, the latter's kind of crazy, too. Not to mention power-hungry, manipulative, and ruthless while keeping up charming outward appearances. Needless to say, her allegiance belongs with CORE. Oh, and she lives in Los Angeles. All other details are in her profile here.

If you have any questions or want to plot, feel free to hit me up!
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