our true selves.

September 3rd, 2009

our true selves.


September 3rd, 2009


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The illness plot will take place from Monday 7th to Sunday 13th.

The biological weapon will be unleashed on Manhattan, London and Los Angeles on Monday at 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm GMT in a coordinated attack. All CORE members will be given the inoculation or the cure if they come down with symptoms. Other people will need to go to CORE to get hold of it, at least until Camelot or the Agency have a cure towards the end of the week.

We have come up with stages of the illness as well as a rough time frame for how quickly it would take to get through the stages. This is based on a perfectly normal, healthy adult who was in the city at the time of exposure. It would obviously take a shorter amount of time on someone who wasn’t completely healthy.

After the first 24 hours it’s all flexible, but try to keep it relatively realistic to the time scale. If someone’s in perfect health before hand don’t have them die on the Tuesday!

The illness is also mildly contagious for the first 24 hours.

Symptoms )

We have Natalie working on a cure for Camelot and Parker working on one for the Agency, but more people on either side of that would be fun. CORE will obviously offer a cure up to people as well.

Please remember that this plot is aimed to make people pick a side, or at least give them a shove in the general direction of one. We obviously don’t want too many people in the undecided camp for too long so please use this as a chance to push them towards one.

The plot is voluntary, although if you’re not making people sick then reactions are appreciated!

On another note, mod plot is scheduled up to January. I suggest you check the calendar to see what we have lined up. Just because we’ve planned stuff doesn’t mean you can’t! Have bad guys and good guys randomly fight in the streets, have someone rob a bank, blow something up or even kidnap someone!
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