our true selves.

September 2nd, 2009

our true selves.


September 2nd, 2009

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Meet Ariel! Well, she's not really Ariel; she's Miranda Jones, a clerk or some such in the ORS (Objects Retrieval/Storage) Dept with the Agency. She's the one who's been playing with all the boys' and girls' toys before they got them; no, no, she wouldn't do that, honest! But, honestly, she is Ariel's ride. Ariel as in Disney's The Little Mermaid. Miranda tends to be a little chatty, but then when you spend a good bit of your day looking at toys/official reincarnate objects/artifacts, you might be a little chatty too. Or when you have a reincarnate who spent some very traumatic days without a voice, you're probably going to be a little talkative.

Oh, and she loves her job. She's on an island, in a busy city, with all the neat things that come to reincarnates - what's not to love? She's nosy though, and she likes to know about the people who have whatever object. It's curiosity; thank goodness she's not a cat, just a fish.

So, here's her profile. Take a peek, up for plotting. Yes, please. Oh, and copying someone(s) - here's her first posty!

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When I said September was a month for admin, I wasn't joking! There will probably be a lot of these mod posts going up and they're important so try not to ignore them, although I understand that seeing a bunch of them breaking up the friends page can be frustrating. I'm just going to keep you updated as I go along.

There is now a page for NPC's. Ideally, I'd like to have a list of all NPC's who have featured in logs or have been mentioned in posts. They can be roommates, family members, co-workers or friends from outside the reincarnate community. Hopefully the list will become a good reference point for mods and players alike when needing to know a roommate's name or even wanting some character inspiration.

Please reply to it with your information and I'll update it.

There will be a post regarding the illness plot tomorrow. A couple of decisions just have to be finalised!
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