our true selves.

September 4th, 2009

our true selves.


September 4th, 2009

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You crazy kids should all know by now that when I say a lot of mod posts it means I'm going to be spamming the ooc comm like an tyrannical dictator on speed who keeps declaring proclamations

I've updated the rules, faq's and the Agency pages. It's important that you read through all of them and make note of the changes.

Nothing has been changed dramatically, there has just been some clarification and information updates. If you have any questions at all, if you think that I've missed something, or if you think I need to add something to any of the posts then let me know.

Now I'm going to take a break and tackle the other posts tomorrow!

Reincarnate Radio!

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Reincarnate Radio!

It's come to attention that a few more people would love to get in on the radio business. Below is the information you'll need for anything and everything to do with Reincarnate Radio.

On to the information )

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Claudie rocks and created this! we're going to link to it on the Agency page, but I wanted everyone to see it!

Come on now! Tell her how much she rocks!
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