our true selves.

September 1st, 2009

our true selves.


September 1st, 2009

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Applications are now closed for one month, until 1st October.

If you have already applied and are waiting to hear from us then we will get to it tomorrow morning!

Mod post!

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Here's the longer version of what should have gone up last night, but I was a bit too distracted to put detail into it. So here it goes.

- Applications are now closed until 1st October. This is so we can update the rules, faq's, the premise and plot without confusing too many people. There shouldn't be any major changes, as the updates will just be bringing everything in line with things that have already featured in mod posts or been discussed with players.

If you have any questions about anything then just ask. I'd like to know what we're not covering and where there are gaps in the information so I can plug them!

- If you get an idea for a character then holds will automatically be until the 1st October, however we will remind you of your hold after two weeks so they're not forgotten about.

- The lists and chart, will also be brought up to date. You can all help by going to the following places and checking that the information is 100% correct and supplying any information that's missing.

Contact List
IC Contact
Wanted Characters
Locations (please also check the map)
Agency Information
Camelot Information
CORE Information
Birthdays and Important Dates (Please also check the calender)
Character chart

- We will be attempting to plot out the next few months of mod directed plot, at least up to January. If there's anything you want to see, even if you don't know how to pull it off then suggest it.

If you have an idea for a plot that you want to direct and plan yourself then please go for it! Let us know so we can time it, and help out if it's needed but we're all for having you guys organise stuff! We want you all to influence the plot, not to have it all dictated to you (regardless of what the icon says).

- We also closed applications to hopefully try and get a feeling of community within the game, with the characters. We thought this might be easier without new characters entering the game. Comment around with people, try to set up logs with people now that organisations are forming and alliances are being made.

- The illness plot will start next Monday. There will be another mod post about it in the next couple of days. If you have anything you want to ask about it before then, please do.

- Out of interest, how many of you are planning to take part in NaNoWriMo? We currently don't have any plans to avoid big plot events in November, however if a lot of you will be taking part then we'll take it into account.

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Wotcher! Kate here. Applications may be closed, but I managed to sneak in before the deadline with one last character, woo! What can I say? I needed more magic in my life.

This is Alan Hall, the reincarnate of Nymphadora Tonks. He's an actor with a touring company and therefore all over the place, although he's based out of Chicago. He's fun and loud and loves attention and loves what he does. Thanks to Tonks' good influence he's sympathetic to and/or already joined up with Camelot. Yes, her metamorphmagus talent has been passed on to some extent. If you've never seen NPH with pink hair, well... stay tuned! ;)

His profile is here and a first post is up here. Any and all plot is very very welcome. As always, give me a comment or hit me up on AIM at improbablekate.
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