our true selves.

August 21st, 2009

our true selves.


August 21st, 2009

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HEY ppl. :D I'm pretending to be good at these intro posts but f'rllz I'm not. I am Kierah and I humbly bring forth Michelle Griffith, who has Nick Charles, the hard-drinkin', slightly ridiculous detective from The Thin Man, living in her head. :3

She lives off her parents' money and, when not being controlled by Nick, is sort of ditzy and awkward and has like zero people skills when she's not pretending to be sweet and charming. She also has a clothing line and it embarrasses her because she doesn't actually have much to do with it, she just puts her name on it.

You can catch me on AIM at crucifymyend, MSN at lesandarah@hotmail.com, or... Comment on whatever. xD You could email me (crucifymyend@aim.com) but I'm very bad at answering emails. I'd love any plot anyone can work out! And I'll probably be stalking you down even if you can't think of anything. ;P
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