our true selves.

August 20th, 2009

our true selves.


August 20th, 2009


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Hey everyone! Amy here, and I am back from three amazing weeks on the other side of the ocean. So I've gotten a good update from the lovely and talented Nels already, but if anyone else has stuff they think would be good for me to know, I would love that <3.


Michael Collins/Rorschach: [info]ink_blot_test
Richard Hardwell/Azazel: [info]demonic_eyes
Tanya Adkins/Adam Milligan: [info]annoyinglilsis
Joseph Belmont/Spock: [info]alwaysafriend
Natania Ackerman/Jayne Cobb: [info]mudders_hero

are all back from doing...stuff, of which I will make up later.

Its good to be back. I missed you all <333.


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How awkward are introduction posts? (Every introduction I'm like, 'I think I'm doing it wrong!') I'm Ari and I'm new! I've been stalking the game for a couple weeks and BAM! I finally apped.

I'll be playing Roman L'Heureux. He's twenty two, FRENCH!, kind of a dick, and the guy who's had Tyler Durden living in his head since he was fourteen. When he's not skipping classes at Columbia University, he's earning a paycheck doing odd jobs and being a hitman's apprentice. Apparently he has an aptitude for interrogation. Let's just say that lye comes in handy. Good times.

Here's my app, if you want to check it out. It's kind of long. I wrote it over the course of a few insomniac nights and I got a little bit carried away.

As far as contact info goes, I'm reachable at I Am Manotauur (AIM) and wickedlightsleeper@gmail. Email's best because I always have that tab open, with aim I usually get bombarded with peeps and end up closing it down after an hour or so lmao.

I can't wait to play, you guys! I should have my first post up sometime tonight. And if anyone wants to plot or what now, just hit me (as hard as you can).
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