our true selves.

August 22nd, 2009

our true selves.


August 22nd, 2009

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Hello, everyone! I'm Krystal and I'm bringing in one Constance Marlow, who's the reincarnate of who I consider to be one of literature's first bonafide emo chicks, Lady Honoria Dedlock from Charles Dickens' Bleak House (seriously, if you haven't read the book/seen one of the two miniseries, the emo is kind of overwhelming O_o). Anyways, outside of being Lady Dedlock's reincarnate, Constance is also a Professor of British Literature at Columbia University and the divorced mother of thirteen-year-old twin girls. All other details are available in the profile located in my character journal. 

You can reach me pretty much daily on AIM at antoinettegiry or on MSN at erik_ann08@hotmail.com, the latter also serving as my email address. I'm glad to be here and I can't wait to start playing!

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This is Claudie, bringing in character number three in Elena Felt-Reyner, also known as radio shock jock Electra Blaze. She's got Sirius Black hiding out in her back brain and is, in general, a very chirpy character with a quick temper. I'm still around on phoenix shimmers if I'm/she's wanted, otherwise, look out for her around and you can read her full details here.

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It's Katy here with character number seven. This is Alexandra Myles and she's the reincarnate of Lily Potter (that would be Harry's mum, not his daughter. Freaking reusable names). Alex is the magical expert in the R&D department at the Agency, although she has pretty strong Camelot leanings most of the time and that did get her into a spot of trouble during the last war flare up. She's responsible for the magical stun gun and perfected the MTN, she's a bit of a workaholic and can often be found under a pile of paperwork and half finished products in her lab at the Agency HQ.

There's more information on her stats page. As always I can be found at uneasy lies, for chatting, plotting or whatever is required.

There's also going to be some magical quest style plot coming up soon involving her and hopefully some others once I've figured out some details, so stay tuned for that! Or let me know if you're interested in hearing about it or want to help me plot it out. Although it does have to be limited to magic people only at the moment (although fandom doesn't matter). We'll try to bring some other people into it for the occasional bit if others are interested though.

I think that's it for now!


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Plot overview 8th August 22nd August )


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