our true selves.

August 19th, 2009

our true selves.


August 19th, 2009

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Both Sheena and I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to Kate for knocking this awesome poster together when we started talking propaganda.

I'm personally still a little in awe of it!



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Okay gang!

Sheena and I have been talking (oh noes!) and we've come up with a vague idea that we want some general feedback on.

We wanted CORE to do something big and hard hitting to cause the fence sitters to join one way or the other. We're currently thinking of them releasing some kind of airborne pathogen into several global city centres, with Adam and Harper then offering a cure to people who want to join them. Global devastation will be avoided at the last minute by either Camelot or The Agency, depending on feedback and such.

We'd obviously come up with a list of symptoms for the various stages of the disease, and although we'd like lots of people to be effected (even at low levels) no one will be forced to take part. We're also thinking about having this happen at some point in September. We just want to see if there's a general interest for this kind of biological warfare.

So, thoughts? Comments? Questions? Get them going guys!
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