our true selves.

July 16th, 2009

our true selves.


July 16th, 2009

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YO, KIDS, Sheena here. With a bit of an announcement.

Voting is still going on, but we need your help! So far, we've only had a handful (5) of people vote, and there's - what - 28 of us? 100 characters? C'mon, guys! It's simple and short. And don't be afraid that you won't win anything, because that's not what these awards are all about! It's a fair count, and it's all in good fun! Plus, I'm making the graphics. Everyone loves Sheena graphics! Although, I'm not sure.. why.

So, come one, come all. And vote vote vote!

If not, you will face torturous repercussions and the wrath of ...my characters or.. something? EITHER WAY, IT'LL BE PAINFUL.

Pretty please?

New character!

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Hey everyone, Amy again. I know. Again. But I am here to present one beautiful girl with a foul mouthed, gun toting, backstabbing, money hungry son of a bitch inside her.

This is Natania Ackerman, and she unfortunately has Jayne Cobb living in her head. She lives in Dallas, Texas, and heads up the pro bono department of a company in Dallas.

Oh, and she's also the on again off again girlfriend of Dita, who has Zoe Washburne in her head.

Let the fun times begin, yes?

Check out her journal for info on her, and you all know my info <3333

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Hey guys! Sia here. Just to let you all know, I've switched timezones - I'm in New York for the next six weeks! Eek! - and I might be a little scarce for a couple of days while things get settled.

Miss you all!
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