our true selves.

July 15th, 2009

our true selves.


July 15th, 2009

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Hey gang,

I'm going to try to do a mass update of all the lists this week, so can you all please check the following posts make sure that the information is up to date: contact information, in character contact information, locations, and if you want a specific location like a business then please put that down too, and important dates.

I might also be updating the Agency information, as well as possibly starting a similar thing for both sides of the war. The question is, is there anything specific that you've wanted to know that hasn't been covered in game yet? I quite like world building but I'd rather start by answering questions that you might have than prattle on mindlessly.

Don't forget to vote! If you have any questions about the awards then either ask them here or contact one of us on AIM!


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It's me again, OTSers. It's Nels. And I have...Zoe Washburne! She's a straight shooting son of..well, she's not a son of an anything. Zoe's in a pretty chef turned teacher Dita Reese. They reside in Texas, just outside Dallas. Jake sold her a car! She might even have known Dave back in FL, yeps. And, it's possible she knows a few other reincarnates - talk about connected, right?

Here's her profile.
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