our true selves.

July 17th, 2009

our true selves.


July 17th, 2009

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Hey gang,

I hate to say this, but your mod team is frazzled, stressed and need a little bit of a break. We have 101 characters in the game, and we have various plot things to plan, and some ooc announcements that are coming up to mark the six month opening. Due to this we're not going to be accepting applications for one week. We both need a bit of a break and this is the only mod duty that we can cut out for a short time without screwing up the game.

If you have a hold that you've either just placed or is coming to its end, it will remain until the 24th July, which is when applications will open again. We will also accept new holds so if you have an idea and want to make a hold then please do so.

If you want to post your application then do so, but it won't be dealt with until the 24th July.

All other modly duties (activity checks, dealing with problems, answering questions etc) will continue as normal. We're only closing applications for one week.

Please vote! These awards are being put in place to celebrate how good the game is, and we want everyone to have their say. Voting will close on Monday 20th July regardless of how many people have voted. If you need any help with it, you want a list of all the couples for example, then just ask one of us and we'll be able to do that. We know some of the categories are difficult, but the threads can be things that have happened in journals and all you need to do is link us to it.

Yes, we are going to nag you all to vote until you have. Next step is E-Mails. Trust me, you do not want us to go there.

- The Mods.
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