our true selves.

June 24th, 2009

our true selves.


June 24th, 2009

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It’s plot time!

It’s going to run from Monday 29th to Monday 6th, so there’s plenty of time for wonderful antics.

Now. Here are the details.

Adam/The Master is going to spike bottled water with a drug that will lower people’s inhibitions and as a result leads to them being more likely to tell the truth. Those deepest, darkest secrets could all be about to come out! Why is he doing this? Because he’s evil and has a PLAN.

A few notes on the drug and things:

- It’s aimed at the brand of bottled water that the Agency uses, so this drug will be in the water coolers of every Agency building in the world. This doesn’t mean that every Agency worker will be effected, as they could bring in their own drinks, drink coffee/tea/diet coke etc etc.

- The brand is also out in the public domain. So everyone who doesn’t work for the Agency has a chance to be effected.

- One dose (500ml) will last for twenty four hours. However, it will not be clear in the beginning that it’s the water that’s causing it.

- If you do not want your character to be effected (we do need people to laugh at help the drugged up characters) then that’s fine. It’s also fine if you don’t want a character to be drugged up for the whole week, it’s why one dose only lasts for 24 hours.

If you have any questions then please ask them here. We will remind you about the plot again on Sunday when we do the activity check.

- The Mods.

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Misha, here, with one to fill the void when I dropped Jaden/Adam Young. This is Stellen Sachiel, harboring the masochistic Silas (The DaVinci Code, mostly movie!verse) in his head. He is new to the reincarnate business, and to Silas' whims of masochistic delight. He occassionally recieves packages in the mail that he didn't order, but Silas did. He's beginning to abuse himself, compulsively. He needs to get Silas under control, before Silas' impulses cause him to harm himself.

Coll, I fully expect he will be needing Dom's services in the near future XD. Otherwise, he's open to any and all plot, as are all my kids, so have at! CeruleanInzanity on AIM, CelticFaerie2x@gmail.com for email. Or comments here, that's always good too XD.

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Hi everyone! I'm Dani...new to the game bringing in Molly Hughes, who is carrying John Winchester around in her head--poor kid. She's from Texas, she's been to grad school, and pretty soon she's going to be looking for another job and house. She's really new to this whole thing, so don't mind her if she doesn't understand exactly what's going on at first.

If you need me for anything, you can reach me on Aim (devotedde) or email (sad_shy_angel@yahoo.com) Thanks!
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