our true selves.

June 25th, 2009

our true selves.


June 25th, 2009

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Hey everybody! Since I am back in the game.. my pups need plots.

Kevin.. oh I am so so so sad that we no longer have a Wendy anymore. But yes, for those who do not know, Kevin Green is the Reincarnate of Peter Pan. He's also an agency member. Very fun light carefree. Much like his true self. He has really chosen to accept his past life and so more of that young, child-like personality is seen from him. But he is a funloving guy. He is also very much into Men. As we all know deep down Peter Pan was more into boys than girls.. We all saw his little reaction when Wendy wanted to kiss him!

Also I play Jennifer Smith [info]itisinevitable. The reincarnate of Agent Smith from the Matrix Trilogy. She is torn both ways from accepting that she is now a human being and no longer a computer program/virus. But she is still determined to allow Artificial Intelligance to take over the human world in the future. With that said she is an FBI double agent working in the technical departments. Doing whatever she can to enhance and speed up the birth of AI. She's cold yet she loves to indulge in the spices of life. Very Gemini, she is. But anyone who encounters her.. I can be certain we'll have some fun!

I also has a new AIM. Which I should update for my contacts.

aim. aherotosaveme
email. aherotosaveme@aim.com
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