our true selves.

June 23rd, 2009

our true selves.


June 23rd, 2009

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Hi there! I'm Jessi, brand new to the game and very excited to be here. I thought at first that Jewels would be the only player I knew, but after having a glance at the contact list, I realize I've played with several of you before. So, huzzah for a small RP world and I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of you!

With me I bring the lovely Mary Winchester, who is stuck in one Dave Stuart, a fun-loving, smart-mouthed, but generally easy-going sort of guy who is an Indiana University alum, a staff accountant working/living in Indianapolis, and a relative newbie to the reincarnation business. I'm definitely pleased that there are multiple Supernatural canonmates for him to interact with, but he is also open to all sorts of interactions with anyone, as well as backstory! More information on Dave can be found here and his first entry will no doubt be up later today (after I sleep, for it is nearly 4 a.m. now).

I can be reached via email at princessjessia[at]gmail[dot]com or, if it's not a super secret issue needing discussed, the contact post in Dave's journal. While those are the best ways to get in touch with me, my AIM is my kingdom as for when I remember to turn it on (the above are also good ways to poke me to see if I am around to get on AIM).

ETA: His first entry is now up!

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Hey, guys, it's Bella again, bringing a new character with me! This time it's Cora Crivelli, the reincarnate of one Dorian Gray (and before you ask, the one from the original novel, not from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, though this Dorian does approve of that Dorian, after a fashion). Cora is a 22-year-old model who lives in NYC, and she is ridiculously similar to Dorian, which is why they don't always get along sometimes. She's very manipulative and narcissistic, but at the same time she's not really on the "bad" side. She doesn't care enough about people to bother to fight on one side or another, so she's pretty neutral when it comes to the whole reincarnate situation. Because of that, she's thinking of joining the Agency, but she hasn't made a solid decision yet.

Anyway, her complete bio is posted in her journal, and I'll be posting her first real entry later this morning! If you want to contact me (for this character or Rue Murray/Poison Ivy), you can IM me at envies envy or oh.so.squeamish@hotmail.com, either one works. :D

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Hey everybody!

Rae here, with an important announcement. My old email address (betonroulette[at]aol[dot]com) had a complete meltdown. I haven't gotten a post notification in days, and every time I try to send myself a log, it doesn't appear. I've tried to fix it, but can only conclude that AOL had decided that any message sent to me is wonderfully delicious and needs to be devoured immediately. In order to keep myself from going insane trying to keep up with stuff without the help of notifications, I've transferred all of my journals to a new account. Due to the wonders of AOL, that means my SN will be changing as well. So, from here on out, you can find me for instant messaging at pixelated sadism, and for emails at pixelated sadism[at]aol[dot]com.

Trust me, I know this is a MASSIVE pain, and I kind of hate myself for doing it. Hopefully, I will hear from everyone soon, on my shiny new account!

Happy gaming!
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