our true selves.

June 12th, 2009

our true selves.


June 12th, 2009

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Due to the fact that the car broke down I am now not going away until tomorrow. Expect me to try to play as much as I can in the next 12 hours, but get completely distracted by about midnight. It always happens, I do not have the concentration stamina I once did!

Anyway. I want to reiterate that I'm going to be gone for just over a week and that Sheena will be modding mostly on her lonesome. Be nice to her and be patient, sometimes we decide things as a team and that might take a bit longer considering I'm going to be very busy with my family. If you don't get a response by the time I'm back from my break then annoy us, but give us until at least then! Thanks guys!

I'm also tempted to bring in a Star Wars or Firefly character. Oh, that's going to be fun to figure out! :D

- Katy
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