our true selves.

June 13th, 2009

our true selves.


June 13th, 2009

Computer related issues suck.

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So last night I clicked on a website looking for a translation scan, and I go to click...suddenly my computer is flooded with viruses. I have a stupid system scan thing that keeps popping up (If anyone knows how to get rid of Virus Shield 2009, that would be SO appreciated).

Anyway, I know this comes at a seriously bad time, but there could be a chance that I would be without a computer for a bit if I need to take it to a specialist and get it cleaned out. So for now, I'm not saying I'm going on hiatus until I know more, but if you don't see me for a bit online, this is the reason why.

This affects:

Jaime/Emperor Palpatine

If you need me, try sending an email. I can get emails on my phone.
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