our true selves.

June 11th, 2009

our true selves.


June 11th, 2009

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Shiny new player + character here, so I figured an intro post was in order. I'm Holly, and that there is Mark Warwick harbouring the epicness that is Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood fame. Drastically the opposite from his reincarnate, Mark is relatively quiet, prefers keeping to himself, sidelines on any social occasion he finds himself unwillingly dragged into, and has a steady, predictable job as an engineer for technology in New York. Needless to say, he's definitely going to have his work cut out for him when the Jack side starts to come through. If by any chance someone might be free to help him understand/deal with what's happening (OMGPLOT <3), or put up with him while Jack!persona breaks out in doubtlessly extravagant ways, I'd love to scheme up some play.

I can't think of a reason to explain why his incarnation shifted from the last character who harboured him, but since Mark isn't likely to know, I'm hoping that shouldn't pose a problem.

So, all my contact junk is in this journal's userinfo. Email, PM, AIM, it's all good! Though email always has the advantage, since I'm running on GMT, and I'm not always parked in front of the laptop for too long in one sitting.

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Misha here, posting to say, I'm finally back home. The last week, with my family, has seemed like a month at least. And to add insult to injury, ATL airport was closed yesterday during a bad storm, and we had to divert to Greenville, SC to refuel. We were about 2 1/2 hours late getting home, but it doesn't matter now, because I am home, and my kids will be posting soon! Today/tomorrow/this weekend, they'll all post something and update and get back in the swing.

Basic info in my kids can be found Here!. As always any and all of them are available for plot and what not.

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Hey people!

I'm just letting you all know that I'm going away tomorrow to visit my grandparents in Cornwall, I should still have Internet access, but as I'm sure you can imagine I'm going to also be very busy and I might not be very reliable until I come home on the 21st or 22nd.

Modding shouldn't be effected too much, but please be patient if things take a little longer than usual to get done.

- Katy
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