our true selves.

June 10th, 2009

our true selves.


June 10th, 2009

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So, once again, Colleen fails. I figured that should be the title of this post, but seeing it in small-caps and bold made me depressed. So.

I didn't mention, last week, that I was spending the weekend with Misha, since a) I hardly ever stick to any sort of hiatus, and b) I knew the hotel was going to have wifi, and I should've been able to post. Right?

Yeah, right. I have been epic fail keeping up with things here, including making plot for my characters and in general, reaching out. So! To remedy this, I'd like to put all four five (Poor LA!) of my current pups out there, for any plot/abuse/etc that anyone might have in mind.

Cut for epic list of detail )

Let me know if anything sounds interesting, or if anyone had something I should be looking at. At the very least, I'll be posting for everyone here tonight, now that I can actually focus on RP again!

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Beth here, with another one. Apparently no power in the 'Verse can stop me... from bombarding the mods with applications? I dunno. It was a long tedious day at work, what can I say, it's made me a little slap-happy.

This alt is not a nice person. There are no morality struggles here, no conflicts between 'selves,' because both the host and the reincarnate agree that Team Evil is where it's at, y'all. Her name is Anna Harkness (formerly Harris; she had it legally changed because she haaaaates her family) and she's host to the X-Men: Evolution version of Wanda Maximoff/the Scarlet Witch. Because I'll ramble forever if allowed, I'll confine the rest of her intro to bullet points.

→ She's been in the community for about six years. The fact that she's the Scarlet Witch is common knowledge; the fact that she's from X-Men: Evolution is not. She introduces herself as 'Marvel's Scarlet Witch' or 'the Scarlet Witch - you know, from Marvel?' She will not correct people if they assume that she's the Avengers version, but she tries not to outright lie if she can avoid it.
→ She's located in NYC and works as a reporter for the Village Voice. It's mostly fill-in stuff, though - no regular column or sweet assignments for her.
→ She is angry, vengeful, and can hold a grudge forever. Unlike Wanda, though, Anna doesn't necessarily fly off the handle when she's upset. She's craftier.
→ She restrains herself a little in public posts, but she's probably known for having a sharp tongue and not a lot of pity. So. Not as mean as she really is, but definitely not a sweetheart. Not by a long shot.

The rest is in her (admittedly long) profile, and I'm ending this (admittedly long) intro here to spare your f-lists. I won't be online again until late tonight, but I am all for plot and will respond to any comments/emails when I get home.

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Okay. For reals, this is the last one. If I start thinking about picking up another character, I want all of you to promise that someone will stop me, by whatever means necessary.

Anyway, Rae here, with character number...what is this? Seven? This is Caleb Kholer, the reincarnate of Bobby Singer (from Supernatural). He's twenty-four, a tech support dude for AT&T, lives in Dallas, and in kind of a bastard. Oh, and he stutters, just fyi. He's not all together convinced that he should hop on the demon hunting train, although he's got all of Bobby's mad demon trapping skills. So, if ever faced with a situation where demons need to be fought, he would know what to do. Huzzah.

For plot and other goodness, I remain at betonroulette on AIM. Happy gaming!
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