our true selves.

June 6th, 2009

our true selves.


June 6th, 2009

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I'm sure you're all sick of my introductions by now, but...

It's Rae. Again. This time with Rosalind Reed, who would much rather be a pirate if it were up to her. Instead, she's Buttercup, the damsel in distress from The Princess Bride. Having a tragically needy female trapped isn't Roz's idea of a good time. In fact, it's made her overly angry and independent. Not that she wasn't before. She lives outside Sacramento, on her uncle's ranch, where she trains stunt horses. Random occupation, I know, but just roll with it.

So! She could use some friends, enemies, whatever! At the moment, she has only David (you'll meet him later...) to annoy her, and that's just unacceptable. BetOnRoulette is where I'm at!

Happy gaming!

No one is going to surrender to the Dread Pirate David...

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Look, another introduction!

Hi, it's Kate with shiny new character for you all to meet: David Roberts aka Westley from The Princess Bride. You knew with Buttercup here he couldn't be far behind, right? David is a struggling musician based out of Seattle. He gets along pretty well with The Hero hanging out in his head, although he does not get how someone ends up so hung up on one particular girl. We'll see how that works out for him...

Anyway, he needs friends, enemies, people to fence with (left- of right-handed), you know the drill. Share in the joy, give me plot, or give me a poke at improbablekate.

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