our true selves.

June 7th, 2009

our true selves.


June 7th, 2009

New Character

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Hey everyone, its Amy again. Yes, I know, I need to stop picking up characters. So sue me. But, I figure a lot of you might like this guy xD

May I present Joseph Belmont aka Spock from the wonderful Star Trek series. He just got told about the whole person in your head thing by random Agency member number 45, so he is kinda thinking what is going on.

But, having Spock is a plus, because now he doesn't have to bother with those pesky emotions at times. Anyway, Joseph lives in Montreal, Canada, speaks both French and English, works for the Canadian Stock Exchange, and is played by the cute Craig Olejnik from the TV show "The Listener". Check it out sometime, its great.

So, you all know the drill, my AIM is comraderie30 and my MSN is aiua_thread@hotmail.com, and my email is aiua.thread@gmail.com

See you all around!
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