our true selves.

June 5th, 2009

our true selves.


June 5th, 2009

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Beth again, rounding out the alt count to three. This is Claudia Walker, and she has the distinction of being possibly the strangest application I've ever written. She's twenty-three, a Production Assistant with dreams of hitting it big, and she's also a spoiled, selfish ladder-climber. She's going to be a producer someday, okay? She doesn't care who she has to kick out of her way to get there.

She's had a reincarnate for about a year, and they do not get along very well. She pays lipservice to appeasing him, because he doesn't approve of how she treats people and has been known to wrest control from her when he can't take it anymore, but their truces are uneasy and usually short-lived. The reincarnate's identity? He's He-Man from Masters of the Universe. Yeah. Cheesy 80s cartoons, here we go! For those of you who didn't catch the show, He-Man is the alter-ego of the prince of an alien planet. To turn into a huge musclebound dude (in order to fight the evil Skeletor, of course!) Prince Adam has to shout a catch-phrase and wave a magic sword.

Claudia doesn't have the sword, but saying the phrase will turn her into a guy. Not a huge blonde wrestling star in brown briefs - just a guy. Dear good lord, does she hate it. Adam has been known to use the ability when he's gained the upper hand, but Claudia flatly refuses and is generally completely mortified by it all. She wants to know why, if she was going to have to share, she couldn't have had Emma Frost as a 'roommate.' At least Emma knows how to behave. Adam's all... do-gooder-y and sports the kind of black-and-white moral code you only see in old children's cartoons and 1940s comics.

Anyway! Again, I am all for plot, so shoot me an IM or email if you want to put together a storyline with Claudia.

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I can't be stopped! Rae here, with another girly. This is Margo Tandy, reincarnate of Inara Serra (from Firefly). Margo is a pretty well rounded student at Columbia, though she has dreams of going places and seeing things before she dies. Which, if her doctors are right, could be less than a year away. That doesn't slow her down, though! She's a big fan of living day by day

You know where to find me for plots and chats!!!

Happy gaming!

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Hey kiddies. It's Jewels. This is Lucinda Wells. And she is a cannibal. The most famous one in fiction as a matter of fact. She's the reincarnation of Hannibal Lecter, and she owns a restaurant. She's not saying what she puts in the food soylent green is people but she's generally a nice person. Um. Mostly. She doesn't go around telling people who she is though, because that would be awkward.

But you all know you want to make friends with the serial killer. And yes, she's eaten flesh before. It's kind of halvsies on whether she likes it or not. Hannibal loves it, her not so much but she's slowly evolving. Or something like that.

So yes. Friends? Enemies? Victims? :D
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