our true selves.

June 4th, 2009

our true selves.


June 4th, 2009

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I feel really retarded, posting this after giving my info yesterday, but I've updated my contact info. Just needed a change. I also decided to stop using the nickname I've been using forever and a day and start going by my first name. I know, I know, I'm making things all complicated. It's just not something I really use anymore outside RP and it has a lot attached to it. So...yeah. You can reach me at such.melodrama@gmail.com or such melodrama on AIM.

-Ashe (Formerly known as Nelle...and still feels really dumb about this)

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I have been a bit absent here lately, but I promise that will change after this weekend! I have my 5 year college reunion tomorrow and Saturday, but I'll be back Sunday night and then I really want to jump into the game and get some interaction for Dominic here. If you think you might be up for playing with him, leave me a comment here and I'll set something up when I get back! Have a good weekend everyone!

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