our true selves.

June 3rd, 2009

our true selves.


June 3rd, 2009

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Hey! Beth here. You might remember me from such recent introduction posts as Theodore "Darth Ted" Holloway and... and okay, the Troy McClure act only works when you have more than one example to offer. D'oh.

Anyway, I'm bringing in a second alt: this is Max Cooper, who is carrying around a brilliant but unstable teenage girl inside his noggin. His reincarnate is River Tam of Firefly, and yes, he's as bewildered as anyone else that she wound up inside of him. Max in a nutshell: whimsical, bright, friendly, temperamental, and frequently frustrated (either with himself, River, or the people around him). He's more lucid than River, but he's equally prone to wild and complicated trains of thought, so he doesn't always make sense.

Max teaches college algebra at a community college in Boston. He's also a Mathematics PhD student at Northwestern, so expect random mathematics or statistics jokes. As with Ted, I am all for plot and can be reached by email or IM.

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So, hi everyone. I'm new to the game, but some of you may know me. My name is Nelle, and I am bringing the lovely and sweet stop laughing Ari Hadiya. Call her Arabella and she'll shiv you with a nail file. For serious. She is played by the equally lovely Marfa! Freema Agyeman, and she houses the great and wonderful Dr. Leonard H. McCoy from the massive canon that is Star Trek. But, as she will tell you herself, she is not a damn doctor, thank you very much. She's an admin for the Agency who is branching out into being a Caretaker. She hasn't had any cases yet, but she will soon. She got her memories when she was in her second year of university, so she's had them going on eight years now. She's kinda cynical and slightly caustic at times, and she has a tendency to use really southern phrases that sound ridiculous coming from a British woman. But she's fun. She sort of flits back and forth between London and Los Angeles, so if your characters hang around either, they could possibly meet/know her.

If you want to plot or chat, just ping me at littlemoresonic or email me at littlemoresonic[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks.

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Hey hey!

It's Katy here with a new character. This is Michael Morgan, he's the reincarnation of Arthur Pendragon from BBC's Merlin and has a lovably fucked up family. He comes from a wealthy family where he's the Vice President (although he has a habit of getting fired and rehired by his dad), and he currently lives in LA.

He, as well as everyone else I play are up for plots.

As always I can be found on AIM at uneasy lies, or you can e-mail me. Either for a chat or plot!

Thanks guys!
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