our true selves.

June 2nd, 2009

our true selves.


June 2nd, 2009

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Greetings, one and all. 'Tis Misha, just throwing a little OOC out there to let everyone know I'm flying out tomorrow, heading North to visit friends and relatives. I'm not taking a true hiatus, because I'll have internt and I plan to continue current tags, but I wanted you all to know if I'm slower than usual or whatever, that's why. Wheee. I'll be back home and settled in to my summer RP schedule middle of next week.

Aaaaaaaaand, off hiatus already

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Because I really don't do well without my addiction. 

Thank you to those who...I guess expressed condolences is the right term? I'm not good with this stuff. But long story short, we weren't close, my mom and I,  and I don't seem to be grieving. So I'm back, and happy to be back, and I'd rather just pretend nothing happened.

Back to plotting!
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