our true selves.

March 27th, 2009

our true selves.


March 27th, 2009

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Hi you hot hot sexy bitches

It's Jewels. This is Taylor Davidson. She's the reincarnation of Death. Sandman/Endless/Neil Gaiman Death to be precise.

She works in a morgue in Miami. Every time I bring up Miami, she gets 'I'm in Miami biiiiiiiiitch' stuck in her head. She doesn't like it. Anyway, she's been around so she should know lots and lots of people. So if you want plot, let me know :D

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Hey people, It's Katy!

I'm introducing my latest character. This here is Sarah Evans, she's the reincarnation of Stephanie Brown, AKA: Spoiler/Robin IV from DC comics. I warn you, this is a relatively new fandom for me and I don't know everything so if by chance I mess something up just let me know and I'll edit accordingly!

Sarah's a criminal justice major at CUNY, she lives in Manhattan and works at an upmarket restaurant. Her biological dad's a criminal who's been in prison since she was 13 and she never talks to him, her mum remarried not long afterwards to a man with money and she and her new step-brother then got shipped off to boarding school. She's surprisingly not that bitter about it. She's snarky, but usually in a semi-affectionate way rather than a bitchy way, and most of her info can be found in her journal.

Add her, play with her and if you want plot then IM me at uneasy lies on AIM!


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Hello everyone!

A couple of notices;

1) The character limit is now eight. That's two more than it was previously. Please don't take on more than you can manage though!

2) Please make sure you have everyone friended, the friend button is here. We've had lots of new characters get accepted over the past few days and I'd hate for any of their posts to get missed.

3) If you haven't already make sure your contact information is up to date here, and your characters is up to date here.

4) If you're thinking of taking on a new character but want some ideas, or if you desperatly want canon mates then please use the wanted post! We accept ideas for the fandom half, the original half and for PB's in general.

5) If there's any other information resource or questions you have then please ask them here. We're hoping to get the big Good Vs. Evil plot up and running over the next month or so and ideas or offers for plotty things would be fantastic. We might not be able to get back to you straight away but we will eventually. I promise!

6) A quick reminder that there will be an activity check next week so if you have anyone that you need to post for (and you haven't requested an official hiatus from the mods) then you have one week to post.

- The mods!
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