our true selves.

March 26th, 2009

our true selves.


March 26th, 2009

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Greetings and salutations to all you fine and lovely people. My name is Krys and I am new. I'm sure some of you know me. To those of you who don't, hello. I bring with me Regina Porter, a 33 yo school marm who teaches wee little first graders. In her head lives Radical Edward from Cowboy Bebop. On her own, Regina is sweet and mild and very much a motherly sort of person. (So if your boys or girls need someone who's supportive and kind, Reggie might be a good friend.) Edward is a twelve year old hacker genius who lived in a future dystopian Earth before living on a space ship called the Bebop with a group of bounty hunters. (If you have never seen Cowboy Bebop, I highly recommend it, folks!) Ed makes Regina have random incoherent bursts of energy. So on days where Regina starts talking l33t or using sparkly text or acting a little immature, it's thanks to Ed.

I'd love to play with all you fine and lovely people, but my schedule is a little odd. I work four days a week (Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun). So my weekends are a little shot (I can maybe get tags and things late nights after work, if my brain is still alive). Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays are the best day for me to play.

So yes. I am rambly.

Friend Regina here if you haven't already. And expect a post soon.

<3 to you all
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